No. 44 – Keywords: “Obsession, Attachments, Release, Surrender”
The Sacrifice
What is it that you are focused on right now? Maybe even up to the point where it becomes a little obsession? It can be a person you have a crush on, the hope of getting that new house, car or a raise, new career? Whatever it is for you personally, it is time to let go of the desired outcome. Surrender to “not knowing”. Surrender the outcome.
The ego is filling our head with problems that don’t exist and the ego is awesome when it comes down to talking trash about ourselves and makes our self worth go down hill. Release the attachment and release the 99 problems in your head. Let it go and just surrender to the universe.
Let your God, angels and your spirit guides do their part. They will set energy into motion that is more in alignment with your higher soul purpose, your heart. Your part is to trust and believe, have faith and not let the ego taking over control by fixating on whatever it is that is most dear to you.
For some
For others this card is asking you to sacrifice what you hold dear. This can be a person or a desired result. It doesn’t really matter because in the end it is asked to let it go. It is time for you to follow your dreams. You have had many dreams and wishes for yourself and for your future but you haven’t done anything with them because you are still to attached to something that keeps pulling you back into the past. It is time for you to live YOUR life and release what is not helping you move forward.
Choose YOU!
Faith and trust.. Have a deep, deep believe that you are going to be just fine! Believe and trust, not only in the divine but in yourself. Have blind faith that everything will come to you when you release the outcome. Think positive. Tackle the ego when he pops up and have good talk and discussion with your own ego thoughts. Reflect and see what you are thinking. Is it true? or is it fear talking? Choose you!
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy
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