The Council - Tammy Bo Tarot

Weekly Oracle Card: The Council

Weekly Forecast

The Council
No. 11
Keywords: “Leap of Faith, Inner Wisdom, Higher Beings”


Let me explain the old and ancient ‘symbol’ of the council

This card speaks of going to ‘heaven’ but before we can enter we meet the council. Luminous beings who are there with us to reflect back on our live.

Why did we take certain steps, did not love fully or why we let our fear withhold us from taking certain steps. It’s not that they will sent you to hell as most believe but they more so are there to see what we will need in a new life. What lessons do we need to learn and what relationships will we take with us.

The time is now

Whatever endeavor or new journey you are embarking or rather thinking about pursuing. These higher beings are here to tell you that it’s time to stop waiting and asking for more signs because your time is right NOW!

Stop worrying about the results or what you need to leave behind. Yes, it’s a uncertain time and it’s scary to take a leap of faith. The council asks you to have faith in yourself, in them and all the signs you already have had. Time to jump!


If you feel alone and if you feel like it’s a little to much know that the council is always here to support, guide and help you.

It’s a good time to go site down quietly and listen to your thoughts let them come up one by one. Acknowledge them and let them go only to work on them when you will. Just let them be.

When your mind is calm and let me tell you it’s a process and takes time to practice but when you calm your mind you can hear the advice is the form of your own thoughts

The answers come to you spontaneously and out of the blue. Take that thought and work with it. You are not alone! I’m here if you want to talk, okay?!


We all are in different phases and stages in our life’s and we all walk our own unique path.

Because this is a general daily reading not everything will resonate! So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!

My readings are based on the current collective energy. Also remember that when there is another person involved a reading can be vice versa.

Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings that I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy  

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