No. 54
Keywords: “Second change, Rebirth, Recovery, Healing”
The sweat logde
Represents the womb of mother earth. Covered with volcanic stones and a heated fire. Surrounded by nothingness you are invited to come sit in silence. Where you are able to sweat away bad, negative and toxic patterns, behavior.
Shadow work
It’s time to face your demons. It’s time to unpack your baggage and it’s time to clean out your closet. Whatever situation you are in it is not healthy and will probably not bring you anywhere.
It’s time to face your fear, hurts and past circumstances. I know this isn’t easy and it requires some time and patience so give yourself just that. Go within and find the answers from deep within your soul. Go and sit in a quite room just you alone with your thoughts. See what comes up and reflect on it.
What is it that you are thinking. Is it even true and based on reality or is it based on fear or anger? Try not to judge or criticize your thoughts just acknowledge them and be with them. Ask yourself what you can learn from your thought and how to release it. Go and work with the intuitive answers you get and start to release and unpack your baggage one by one.
A second change
This card offers you a second change. She invites you to go and chill a little in ” the sauna’ and get to know yourself again. Reflect and rethink situations and circumstances that you are now ready for to see in a new way. Time to gain a better perspective which helps you heal and learn to grow into a even more evolved you!
Whatever happens let it be, let it flow and let it go. Be prepared for anything and enjoy the ride!
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything you read will resonate. So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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