The Wheel Of Fortune
Keywords: Luck, abundance, destiny & fate
Clarified by: 4 of Wands
Keywords: Commitment, celebration day, good times
Element: Air & Fire
Yet again, The Wheel of Fortune.
Last weekend we had the wheel of fortune too. It’s one of those cards that stalks me, personally. Also it shows up in many other readings I do. Kind of makes sense with all the karmic planets in retrograde and the full moon eclipse on the 5th of July.
When the wheel appears I always somehow read it as destiny. Most cards and future outcomes can be changed simply due to our own free will. However the wheel, destiny, is something that we have no control over and why would because it always brings us little or even big gifts.
We also have, again, the 4 of Wands. We also had the 4 of Wands Wednesday but in combination with the high priest. It’s also a celebration day over in America, so makes sense the 4 of wands wanted to make it’s appearance.
I think that destiny is heading your way and it will bring you something unexpected (based in the oracle card of today: lightning) so something unexpected and something that will be worth committing to. Either is a job, friendship or within a new or existing relationship. You never see it coming but the good kind, right!
For all my American friends, even though everything is a bit different, I hope you all still have a lovely and happy 4th of July!
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love Tammy
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