Tammy Bo

Personal Blog – Venus Retrograde

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Blessings and lessons.

What’s up?!

Welcome! My name is Tammy! I’m happy that you are here.
How are you doing? I truly hope you’re fine and above all healthy. Especially in these crazy times.

Venus Retrograde

Like the cap already says, this blog will be about my experiences during Venus retrograde. She just went direct, about a week ago. However with every retrograde we have to take a shadow period of two week into consideration.
Which means that we will still have some of the energy that stirred up a lot of emotions within a lot for us.

Venus the definition of the divine feminine, the planet of beauty, love, compassion and nurture. The planet of harmony.
We will be “forced” to look at everything Venus represents.


When she appears to spin back, we feel the “opposite” energies, along with the vibe’s of the houses Venus seems to spin back in. Which were logical Gemini and caring Cancer.
Would you like to read (back) the general vibes Venus Retrograde brings? Check the general vibes listed below.

General vibes that could be experienced during Venus retrograde.

✨Reevaluating and reflecting on (mostly) your closest connections (partner, family & close friends)
Singles will reevaluate their beliefs and thoughts on love, how they love and what they want within future relationships

✨Having a “helicopter view” moment. Seeing your connections in a different perspective and with sort of new eyes. Which could lead to seeing things for how and what they really are. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing, could be, but doesn’t, you know what I mean?

✨It could be that if you are recently dating or not, it doesn’t really matter, anyway it could be that you are feeling like the time is ticking. Like you feel the urge to get into a new relationship, to take things to the next level within your relationship or maybe even feeling the urge to start a family. Whatever push you feel, during this retrograde it’s not advised to move fast. In any area of your life.

✨Last but not least you will start to work on self love. You will reflect on every close connection with a loved one, so that includes yourself too. You will start to see things in a different light and improve (in time) yourself. Becoming a better version of yourself.

Obviously there are plenty more things and shake ups that Venus retrograde will cause or set into motion. I just listed the most general ones.

Personal Experiences

I didn’t experience Venus retrograde as something negative or as a challenge. Not like how I experience Mercury retrograde, because that’s just heavy shit (Asc -Gemini).
How did you experience Venus retrograde? Feel free so mail me about your experiences. I’d love to talk to you about it.

Now, Venus seriously made me think, rethink and reflect on myself and my perspective on my relationships.
You see, little love life recap, I am single for ages. Don’t date, no interest at all in love and I was like; “I will stay alone forever. I don’t need no man. I’m fine and I’m doing me.” Which I still (sort of) stand by, however beautiful Venus helped me see two sides of the story.

So one side, obviously, me being overly independent.. The other side to the story is that she showed how love works. While I write this I think; “like i know how love works..?” Nope, I don’t, but for me personally I now know what works.


I realized, by going within, what I truly value in a commitment, in a relationship. What I desire, what I long for and what I am able to give or and need in a relationship.
Which basically is someone who is giving me my space, freedom and my alone time. I need someone who will be an addition in my life. Not someone who will “safe” me or make me happy.

Don’t get me wrong because I do want someone to make me happy, duhu! In all honesty, happiness starts with yourself. It is not fair to let your happiness depend on someone else. It’s a burden for the person in question and it makes you codependent which is’t the definition of freedom. More like a “toxic” cycle or pattern, don’t you agree?


Venus made me see love from a different perspective. It’s not that I am looking for love because I never will (I know that sounds awful, but I just know deep down that I will meet the right person when the timing is right, for both of us).
If it is meant to be it will, right? It is more that her energy made me feel more open to the idea of having a partner one day.

When I do meet him, I know now what I value, need and what I am able to give. The point is that I have become less stubborn and more open to the idea of love. Trust me, that’s a big thing for me!

How about you?

What did you experience during Venus Retrograde? Did you notice a shift within your perspective on love or any other emotional connection? For example your close friends and family?
Maybe you experienced those pink glasses coming off. So seeing things in a realistic way rather than seeing things through those pink glasses. Which obviously doesn’t have to be a negative thing. It will only bring more clarity, right?
I would love to know your experiences and your story, if you like to share it?!

The end

Again thank you for being here and made it till the and of me chitchatting 🙂
The idea is to help others through my experiences and just to give some insight. Even though it is different for everyone, there are still some red threats that connect some dots.
I am no professional Astrology guru. It is my passion. So all the things I write are researched and calculated myself however most of all it is about my own personal experiences.

Be safe & take care
Love, Tammy

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