From the 15th of August till 1st of January Uranus goes retrograde in the sign of Taurus.
A time of; – Personal Development, Values in regards to freedom, unexpected change, rebellion and shake up’s.
Did you know?
That Uranus is the second biggest planet seen from the sun’s point of view also for those who didn’t know, Uranus is named after the Greek God Ouranus.
Uranus takes about 84 years to complete his journey around the sun and stays 7 years in each sign.
The ruler of Aquarius, Uranus is the planet of revolution, uprising, Liberation and life force. It’s the planted of unexpected change and shifts.
When a planet goes retrograde it’s said that they turn backwards from our earth. However they aren’t really spinning backwards it just looks like it.
Kind of while standing in front of a large building looking up.. It almost seems like the building is swinging but is doesn’t.
A retrograde basically is like in tarot cards where you pull reversed cards. It’s the shadow vibe that each planet carries. Kind of like us.. We have a good and shady side, just like the planets and stars.
Uranus is the ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Aquarius people are in general very social and like to hang our with the right kind of people. However they also like to have their alone time and appreciate the times that they are alone mainly because this gives them time be with their thoughts, ideas, and live in their own bubble of thought and creativity.
Aquarian’s generally are not very emotional or act out on a emotional level. As well and physical contact, they just like to keep their distance. However within a deeper connection they can crave for it but might have trouble expressing this due to the fact they simply rule with their mind and don’t have easy access to their feelings.
What can we feel and experience?
1. Personal growth
We will experience changes, rapid and radical changes. Often made by ourselves. Simply because Uranus retrograde is more so about making change within and about yourself and not so much about others. In the end it all start and ends with ourselves, right?
2. Free spirit
We want freedom. In every way, shape or form. Freedom is what you will strive for and will be of major importance these last months of 2020. Which is already applying since we have been locked up due to a pandemic and now we want to feel our freedom again.
3. Shake up
Expect unexpected breakthroughs and breakdowns and break ups.
-Breakthroughs in love (which can be anybody you love) and romance.
-Breakdowns mainly happen when you’re forcing change. It’s basically the universe that will help you shake things up a little.
The last obviously has something to do with the urge of feeling free and unbound.
4. Going within
Introspection and reflection again mainly based on your idea of freedom. What is for you freedom and do you feel you are free? How can you break free from this, people or your own shorty behavior to feel in the end more free? These thoughts might cross your mind regularly the rest of this year.
5. Black sheep
Here in Holland we have a saying:”Het zwarte schaap” which means Black sheep.. It’s about not fitting in. Feeling like you don’t belong. Don’t fit in the crowd or just feel like you differ from other. Perhaps even feel like you differ from people you used to feel close to. Again, this is also a form of change and freedom. It sucks to feel like this, I truly know, however it is also a sign that you are leveling up. You are positively changing and growing and the people you are not or maybe they are just in a different direction. It’s okay. Just like death, change is also something that we can’t escape.
6. Changes
Again! I know I mentioned it but it is a major happening :- Expect the unexpected!!! Things will change. What area is personal and different for everyone but it’s coming and it’s coming unexpected. Go with the change and don’t force it. Embrace it and go with it.
Are you ready for a change?
Be ready to experience a shift within yourself. The urge to feel free and strong and the need to make that desired change that you have been delaying due to circumstances, fears or whatever obstacles. It’s now time to go within and find how you can set yourself free.
Be ready for a change!
Take care,
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