Blue Full Moon - TAMMY BO TAROT

Super Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

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26 / 27th of May

Full Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

The total eclips is visible from Hawaii, California, North West Pacific, Australia & New Zealand.

Now a Super is rare but having a Super Full Moon and a total Lunar eclipse all at once is super rare and therefore fucking intense. So get ready and buckle up because this going to be one hell of a ride.

You will feel this intense energy weeks before it’s actually  full moon and many months after. This full moon is all about learning final lessons, completion, close and end of chapters of your life.

It’s all about learning and seeing the bigger picture within these lessons. Grow and release what’s been and get ready for major events, changes and beginnings, starting this summer.

Summed up every full moon is about letting go and releasing what we don’t need anymore or want differently. This is THE full moon to do just that. Like a fried of mine wrote its a full moon on steroids.

So what do we feel? Let’s start with the basics!

Most of us will experience feeling foggy and dreamy, feeling restless and fatigued. Just a bit out of it.. Like we live in our own little bubble. We often experience sleepless nights, restless nights or no sleep at all. Not only at the day of the full moon, but a few days prior and after.

Every full moon is encouraging you to release that what is simply not serving you anymore. Keep in mind that you can only release from within. Release old patterns, toxic behavior, unhealthy lifestyle, negative and self destructive thoughts.

To get the bigger picture and see what it is that needs to be released or addressed we look at the other planets and see how and where they are chilling.

I am not by far a professional astrologer so I just go with the main and most prominent placements.

Remember that it always starts with yourself. The Moon will help, guide and provide you with her strong energies, the rest is up to you.

Your chart 

How will this Super Full Moon Eclipse effect you personally?

It’s important to check out your chart and see where Sagittarius and Gemini are and in which houses they are placed. The houses will tell you exactly where in you life this full moon will affect you personally.

So for example.. In my chart Sagittarius and Scorpio share the 6th house, with 7 planets chilling there. Gemini is my rising sign and sits in the 1st house.

The 6th house is all about home and day to day routine. The 1st house is all about self and self awareness.
So this moon will has a insane affect on my home environment and how I see myself.

Now go and check out yours and see in what area of your life this full moon will bring changes. Go do some Pinterest or Google searches and see what you can come up with. Its amazing how much you can find out. In a way we prepare for this full moon and the after math! So a little heads up never hurt nobody.


This full moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. People born under the sign of Sagittarius are passionate and fiercely driven people. They are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance hence why Sagittarius people tend to be very lucky in general.

Travel and exploring the world is definitely one of their biggest passions. Sagittarius just loves to see and experience it all!

Sagittarians are so fucking funny. They have a great sense of humor and are sarcastic as fuck! Definitely the party makers at a party!

People born under this amazing sign are very truthful and honest and they won’t settle for anything besides the truth.

The down side

Well.. They are often have a short temper and just can deal with bullshit and shady shit… If they don’t like something you’ll know! So basically they can be (too) straight forward and hot headed.

Anyway.. Why did I write all this stuff about Sagittarius? That’s simple…

This full moon is in the sign of fiery Sagittarius. So we all will act, think and behave a little like a Sag.

Prominent Placements


We have Saturn moving retrograde at the 23rd & Mercury going retrograde at the end of this week. So we all will dive deep, go within and see the lessons we have learned so far. This is a time where we will take these lessons at heart and see how it has shaped us into the person we are today. All the stuff that we thought we had dealt with or let go might bubble up because even though we think we fixed and healed shit doesn’t mean we really did. Sometimes we are just not ready at that time to fully heal but heal parts of what happened.

With Mercury as well as Saturn we definitely will think about about the past.. Chances are that past people, situations or past opportunities are coming back into your life because there is still some unfinished business that needs to be worked through.

Effects of this Super full moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

The fact that we are aware of what’s going on will only give us more understanding and therefore compassion for ourselves and perhaps for others that we deal with.

It kind of makes it easier, for me personally, to deal with myself (and others) if that makes sense? Awareness is Key! Let me just put it like this; Being aware makes me less bitch and more understanding.

Anyway let’s dive into what we can feel and experience this full moon in Sag..

1) A good night rest? Nee nee!

We sleep like shit. You might have some crazy ass dreams and wake up tired. Or you might experience trouble sleeping in, or through the night and feeling restless. Maybe feeling bursts of energy, restless legs or just overall feeling like your wide awake. Whatever it is, most people experience a shitty night of sleep.

2) Intuition on point AF

During every full moon our intuition spikes. We experience more déjà vu’s. Our dreams are weird and we daydream more often. So use this to your advantage rather than fighting this feeling.

If you have been carrying around a burning question. Take time to site down and meditate and tune into your higher self. Listen to your intuition as it will lead you towards the answers.

A little reminder.. This full moon in Scorpio will be very intense and emotional. So try to feel and see the difference between your ego and your intuition. You can easily get confused when your mind plays tricks on you.

3) Closure

All these energies will make us want to close a phase, end a chapter, wrap shit up whatever it is.. We are done with the past and ready for the future.

However… Saturn will makes us reflect and go within and think back on some major life lessons or think back at the most recent life lesson.

Either way we will think back and see the bigger picture within that lesson. Really reflect on what happened with a clear and a non judgmental view. Seeing the good, the bad and the ugly. What can we do differently next time, what did this lesson learn you and how did it change you? That kind of stuff!

4) Truth

Have you been true to yourself? True to your ideas, wishes? Have you been open and honest with the people around you honest with yourself?

Truth is really a big thing during this moon. So if you have been shady to yourself or others this will start to weigh heavily on your mind and heart.

This full moon is the perfect moment to do something about it. Be true to yourself and to others. Find ways to start following your heart and mind. Find a way to openly communicate your truth with others.

5) Temper

With the retrogrades and the emotional rollercoaster caused by the moon will makes us feel more vulnerable and more on edge than usual. With the temper of Sagittarius and the “I don’t give a fuck” mentality of Gemini, arguments will either be hot and intense or the total opposite which hurts just as bad.

Just be mindful of your own temper and take into consideration that we all are a little bit more on edge than usual. Just take some time out for yourself and all by yourself. Do things you like and never ever try to make yourself feel, act or behave a certain way if yous dont feel it. Don’t force yourself is what I’m trying to say.

6) Exploring

This is a perfect time to go out and explore some new things, new passions or literally go and explore outdoors.

What have you been thinking about exploring or researching but maybe felt like maybe you didn’t had the time, opportunity or whatever excuses you have ?

The time to finally do it is here.. What are you waiting for?

7) Releasing fears and outdated patterns / behavior

This is the perfect full moon to release negativity, fear and other negative, toxic or destructive patterns. It’s time to fully acknowledge your shadow side. Embrace it and just accept it. Now release that shit and start transforming yourself right here right now! The Moon will help you energetically the rest is up to you! Below you can read my full moon “ritual” if you’d like. We can release but don’t forget we have to work on it right here right now. So dive deep and find the reason behind this “thing” of yours. Where does it come from and why are you still carrying it around?


I always like to use the energy of the full moon to release what no longer serves me in my life or personal growth. I do this together with my daughter. We will take each a little note.

On this note we write down something that we want to release. Which is often something within us. Like a bad habit or behavior that we like to change. Or even outcomes to things we want to see happen. We take this note and burn it release.

In the mean time we work on our intentions and our manifestations in the here and now. Because we still have to put the work in!! The Moon’s energy and Spirit can only do so much, right? Quit pro quo!

As always, Take it how it resonates and leave what doesn’t. Have a lovely full moon! Take care, be safe & kind to others but especially yourself.

Love, Tammy

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