Blue Full Moon - TAMMY BO TAROT

Super Full Moon in Libra

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27 / 28th of March 2021

Full Moon

When the moon is at her brightest, we feel her vibe the strongest. That’s definitely the case this full moon because she is closer to earth, hence why she’s called a super moon.

Because she is more close to earth we will feel her vibe even more intense.

So what do we feel? Let’s start with the basics!

Most of us will experience feeling foggy and dreamy, feeling restless and fatigued. Just a bit out of it.. Like we live in our own little bubble. We often experience sleepless nights, restless nights or no sleep at all. Not only at the day of the full moon, but a few days prior and after. I will write about the general effects as well as more in depth further on in this blog.

Every full moon is encouraging you to release that what is simply not serving you anymore. Keep in mind that you can only release from within. Release old patterns, toxic behavior, unhealthy lifestyle, negative and self destructive thoughts.

To get the bigger picture and see what it is that needs to be released or addressed we look at the other planets and see how and where they are chilling.

I am not by far a professional astrologer so I just go with the main and most prominent placements.

Remember that it always starts with yourself. The Moon will help, guide and provide you with her strong energies, the rest is up to you.


Libra carries the element air and is linked to Venus.
Because Venus rules Libra most people born under this sign love beauty, glitter and glamour. They see the beauty is everything. From the small things in life to high fashion or art.

Libra is well know for being indecisive. They find it hard to make decisions because they simply see both sides of a story. Libra will fight for what’s right because injustice is something that makes them very angry and upset.

Obviously they have more qualities but these are just the main ones.

Libra for a few days

The reason I write all of this is because we all feel a little like Libra this week of the full moon. Why a week.. Well because the Supermoons vibes are felt longer than your usual moon.. Anyway back to my point.. We all will feel the need to pamper the shit out of ourselves and buy some new clothes, get a new fresh hair cut.. The good stuff.

So goes for injustice and unfair situations. They might hit you harder around this time. Expect the need to make things right or fight for what’s right.

Prominent Placements

We have the Sun, Venus and Chiron all next to each other in Aries.
Chiron is referred to as the wounded soldier and stands for our wounds, our childhood trauma, Insecurities and our ability to take back control.

This trio tells me that things that have been buried a while ago will come back to the surface to deal with it. Not the most pleasant vibe, I must admit, but a very important one.

Sometimes we hide shit so deep that we forget about it. What I mean is.. We couldn’t deal with it at that time or for whatever reason.. that we at one point “forget” it’s there..even though it’s subconsciously..your still affected by it, makes sense, right?

Expect some childhood healing this week.

Effects of this Super full moon in Libra

The fact that we are aware of what’s going on will only give us more understanding and therefore compassion for ourselves and perhaps for others that we deal with.

It kind of makes it easier, for me personally, to deal with myself (and others) if that makes sense? Awareness is Key! Let me just put it like this; Being aware makes me less bitch and more understanding.

Anyway let’s dive into what we can feel and experience this full moon in Libra.

1) A good night rest? Nee nee!

We sleep like shit. You might have some crazy ass dreams and wake up tired. Or you might experience trouble sleeping in, or through the night and feeling restless. Maybe feeling bursts of energy, restless legs or just overall feeling like your wide awake. Whatever it is, most people experience a shitty night of sleep.

2) Intuition on point AF

During every full moon our intuition spikes. We experience more déjà vu’s. Our dreams are weird and we daydream more often. So use this to your advantage rather than fighting this feeling.

If you have been carrying around a burning question. Take time to site down and meditate and tune into your higher self. Listen to your intuition as it will lead you towards the answers.

3) Self Love

This full moon is very empowering and urging you to spend some time with you and you only! Due to the shit that comes up with Chiron you will start seeing yourself in a different light. Healing whatever comes up will give you more power. More self awareness and with that more confidence.

You now know what you were meant to learn and are even able to see the blessings in it too. With this acceptance comes self respect. You now know what you don’t want for yourself in the future and you also know what it is that you do want. Awareness is key!

4) Pampering

Like mentioned above. Self love continues in the form of buying some new clothes, fresh hair cut or a new hair color. Getting your nails done or go and trim your beard. Whatever pampering means to you.. Expect some nice you time!

5) Relationships

The 7 th house of Libra is the house of relationships and our love life. So for those in a relationship expect the need to be with your partner more than perhaps usual and the need to make them feel special and loved. A perfect time to think and talk about future ideas, plans and desires for within your connection.

For those who are single.. This is a time where love is going to be on your mind. Your going to reflect on what it is that you want and need in a future relationship but also what it is that you have to offer.

Whatever your vision is about love.. Expect change!


I always like to use the energy of the full moon to release what no longer serves me in my life or personal growth. I do this together with my daughter. We will take each a little note.

On this note we write down something that we want to release. Which is often something within us. Like a bad habit or behavior that we like to change. Or even outcomes to things we want to see happen. We take this note and burn it release.

In the mean time we work on our intentions and our manifestations in the here and now. Because we still have to put the work in, the Moon’s energy and spirit can only do so much, right? Quit pro quo!

As always, Take it how it resonates and leave what doesn’t. Have a lovely full moon! Take care, be safe & kind to others but especially yourself.

Love, Tammy

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