Past, present and future - TAMMY BO TAROT

Summer 2020 Major & Intense Universal Energies

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What a year so far, right? I’m here to tell you this is only the beginning..

2020 is going to be one for in the books, the history books of our grand kids.

Whatever happened so far already, world wide, astrological it all makes sense. As you could say:’it’s written in the stars’ – I totally love that song btw!
Anyhow..If it hasn’t already been a crazy year so far, it’s about to get more intense. Which doesn’t have to be negative! From now on we will heal, on a deep emotional soul and even karmic level!!

✨So lets dive into what we can expect these next upcoming months.
We have a Full Moon on the 5/6th of June. Which also is the first Eclipse to start of a eclipse season. From Gemini into Cancer and ending in Leo.

✨We are experiencing 4 retrogrades at the moment: Venus, Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. We are entering Mercury’s shadow period as Mercury will retrograde on June 18. Neptune will go retrograde on June 23rd.
To top it all off and already mentioned above, we are entering the summer Eclipse season: This upcoming full moon we have a partial moon Eclipse, A Sun eclipse on June 21 & 5 of July another partially moon Eclipse.

The overall energy and the vibes

✨Basically we will experience at first a lot of thinking about who we are, who are really, deep down. What do we want to do with our life’s.
Are you happy with our job? What do you need to do to improve your career.
What about your love life. Are you thinking about your friendships and family and how to get a better and/ or stronger connection with them.
Maybe you are thinking about your romantic life. Your spouse or partner. Your values within your relationship and your own values as a partner. Your kids? Whatever thoughts that are showing up for you.. It’s all about finding your purpose by thinking about your life so far and what do want to do to improve your life, your relationships, yourself as in your behavior, routines or maybe some addiction that are time to say goodbye to.

✨We also might feel stuck within our own thoughts. Every thought is most likely to become a new thought. Simply because of the unanswered question that lies within that thought. Or you might find yourself creating non existing problems based on fear, anxiety and worries. What makes you feel stuck. Which kind of makes sens as we have been in quarantine. I mean, that definitely made us think.. A lot of thinking, right?!
Eventually what might happen is that these thoughts turn into a emotional outburst, which doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing.

✨I think it will be more like a tissue moment, a breakdown where you might find yourself crying and just surrendering to these emotions. I mean, all these thoughts and frustrations, it has to come out at one point right?!
Yet A moon Eclipse will intensify these emotions and will bring all emotions that have been set aside pop up. So now it’s time to acknowledge your feelings to and release them during the moon Eclipses that are soon to come. Really come to terms with your emotions. You can only hide them for so long.
We all know how these hides emotions influence our lives either faced or not faced. It brings stress which eventually leads to physical issues. It’s not the time to run anymore but face them, embrace them and release them.
Work towards creating a emotional clean slate for yourself so that when the time is right you can enter your new journey without any negative attachments from the past.

✨You will notice a peak in the midst of this season and at the end.. You can see it as a roller coaster I guess.. Anyway you will notice this peak where you will gain more clarity, passion and feel more energy to work on your new ideas that you thought of prior. With the eclipses you will feel the urge, the rush to finally do what is is that you been thinking out but we’re making excuses why it could or that it wasn’t the right time.
You will feel the strong push to say fuck it and just go for it. Just like with your emotions, the time is now. Ready set and go. No more excuses, legit or not, it’s your time to shine!

Soul connections

✨This is also the time where soul connections, twin flames and even karmic connections will (re) connect. Either physically and/or energetically.
They say this is the time where soulmates and twin flames that have done their work each individually are now ready to find their way to each other.
Karmic connections are returning, simply because things have been left unsaid. Most likely it’s about forgiveness or there is still a lesson that needs to be learned and of things bring a great opportunity to show and see for yourself how much you have already grown, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!

The end

So I think I’m done with writing now. It’s a lot and a lot to process. Remember that we are all so different and unique. We are in different stage in life, we have a different journey and face different obstacles. What I try to say is that this is very general and basic information. Therefore take it how it resonates and leave what doesn’t, okay?!

Since this will be another healing yet challenging time. I do offer a ONE free card reading. I will ask for guidance and advice that will help you along during these months.
I will be offering these cards from now throughout the summer. Ending in August.

I hope you will have a wonderful summer and that you will take advantage of these intense energies and transform yourself and therefore your life into a new and improved you!

✌? Tammy Bo

Disclaimer regarding the free Tarot reading:
1 card per person per season
Reading will be received by mail, FB chat or DM via Instagram within 24/72 hours.
Feedback and a Review are so much appreciated as well as any donations. Which are not expected or required but very welcome.

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