0701 07/02
Number 1
6 of Swords & Waxing Crescent Moon
Keywords: Calmer Waters, Transition, Healing & Peace
“Have faith in your dreams”
There has probably been some kind of argument or struggle going on recently. Either a battling yourself mentally or with having some argument with someone.
Probably this argument or battle have something to do with your dreams for your future. Perhaps the other wasn’t feeling it or had another options whatever it was.. Calmer water are over the horizon.
Today you’ll see things will slowly calm down which give a little boost in your confidence and having the confidence shit will work out anyway!
Number 2
King of Pentacles & Full Moon in Gemini
Keywords: Dedication, leadership, Stability & Hard working king.
“The answers you need are coming”
You have been working like a boss! Worked your ass off lately and your really are doing a great job.
Today you are yet again working hard and keep focusing on your goal and by doing so there will be some kind of clarity coming your way in the form of communication.
So whatever answers you were looking for expect them to pop up today.
This is a general reading so not everything will resonate. The reading can be vice versa if you deal with others. My readings are always based on the collective energy unless mentioned otherwise.
Also remember to never make drastic decisions based on a reading. Use your own intuition and that beautiful brain of yours.
The giveaway is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give you some extra guidance and advice.
-Mystical shaman oracle
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