04/01 04/02
Number 1
The Lovers & Full Moon in Aquarius
Keywords: Love, Self-love & Heart’s choice
Show the world the real you
So today is a day where you can focus a little bit on yourself and how you take care of yourself. You know.. Pampering the shit out of yourself. Good some healthy foods and do some work outs. Whatever makes you happy. Today is the perfect day to plan in some you time!
The Moonology card gives me the vibe that you currently are batteling some insecurities. Like a low self esteem or whatever.
The advice is to be yourself. Stop criticizing yourself.. replace your negative thoughts with uplifting ones today! ( and any other day)!
Number 2
6 of Cups & Third Quarter Moon
Keywords: Nostalgia, Past, Siblings & Past life.
“Adjustments are required”
Sooo I feel someone who is a bit stuck in past experiences. Someone who is still holding on to things from your past and this is kind of withholding you from moving forward.
So think about it for a second. What or who from your past still plays a significant role in your life and is draining the shit out of you?
Time to let that or them go. It’s easier said than done I know. I’m not saying cut someone out but take a step back and focus a little bit more on your own personal growth.
This is a general reading so not everything will resonate. The reading can be vice versa if you deal with others. My readings are always based on the collective energy unless mentioned otherwise.
Also remember to never make drastic decisions based on a reading. Use your own intuition and that beautiful brain of yours.
The Gatherer is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give you some extra guidance and advice.
-Mystical shaman oracle
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