Wild Woman - Tammy Bo Tarot

Oracle card for today: Wild Woman

Weekly Forecast

No. 63
Keywords:  “Authentic, Original, Social standards, Freedom”

The Origin

When this lovely wild lady appears in your reading she is here to remind you the importance of freedom and being authentic.

This lady shows up to help you remind who you are. The real you. Not the one society longs or expects from you. She is here to tell you to shine your light and be unapologetically you.

Outside the box

The time has come to become the best version of yourself. The version of you that doesn’t fit in any box.

You have a dream.. A dream that’s maybe a little outside the box.. Which can be a big struggle if you always wants to please society.. your done with pleasing everyone and you are now ready to break free from outdated believes and cycles. It is time to shine! When this card shows up in your reading you are waking up to your authentic and beautiful self and you are ready to fully give in to your dreams and surrender to what will be. It’s time be unapologetically you and start shaping you dreams.

The warning

Like many other cards there are downsides too. So if you have been obsessively thinking about your goals, dreams and wishes but have not taking any action simply because of what others may think or even because of your own repeating cycles.. You know how that goes right.. In our mind we come up with a lot of reasons why we shouldn’t, couldn’t or wouldn’t do something.. that’s the ego that’s holding you back. It’s your fear and past but also insecurity that hold you back.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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