Water - Tammy Bo Tarot

Oracle card for today: Water

Weekly Forecast

No. 61
Keywords: “Purification, regeneration, cleansing, flow, emotions”


The great flood, a myth that’s well known ! This great flood brought disaster to many but it also gave birth to new life, new seeds that stared to grow.

Kind of like The Tower in tarot. We need to have a few tower moments – breakdowns- in order to rebuild again.


When this card shows up you are going through some intense emotions. Good and happy or not.. Whatever emotions you go through right now, water ask you to take a closer look at how you feel.

Whatever that’s been going on has a big influence on you and your life and so your emotions are intense and they simply need to be felt.. They need to be acknowledged and released before you get stuck and we all know what happens when our emotions are all over the place.

It’s better to recognize the good and the bad, the light and the dark.. Like the ebb and the flow.. Feel it and release it.

The advice

It’s time to clean! Energetically! By doing so acknowledge your emotions, sticky or iffy feelings. Plan a bathing ritual along with cleaning energetically by sageing cleaning with some charged salt water. Whatever your way of cleaning or whatever you like to use.. It’s time to clean!

Carl Jung

According to Carl Jung the maternal, womb like significance of water as a universal symbol. Water represents the potentiality of existence. It precedes and sustains all creation. Emerging from it is manifestation: immersion in it is dissolution  of form. This symbolizes regeneration.


We all are in different phases and stages in our life’s and we all walk our own unique path.

Because this is a general daily reading not everything will resonate! So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!

My readings are based on the current collective energy. Also remember that when there is another person involved a reading can be vice versa.

Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings that I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy  

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