Upper World - TAMMY BO TAROT

Oracle card for today: The Upper World

Weekly Forecast

No. 59
Keywords: “Higher Self, Heaven, Ancestors, Guides, Angels or God”

 Spiritual awakening

A spiritual awakening, awareness and growth. We all go through it simply to become the best version of yourself. Looking back we needed this wake up call to get more in alignment with out higher purpose and goals in life. In the end it will bring so much freedom and it gives a vibe of salvation, peace, harmony and balance.

We all know that a spiritual awakening start by a major tower moment, a giant shake up and destruction of the foundation we build as well as our believes. Like we are completely being stripped of the self we thought we were. It’s not a walk in the park, by far!! It’s about facing your deepest fears, facing your demons and embracing the shadows within.

Divine soul purpose

This card speaks about stepping into your divine soul purpose. It’s asking to become not just a better version of yourself but it’s asking to evolve or level up to the next damn level! Which I can tell you isn’t easy, I mean it ask a lot of patience, devotion and strength to overcome any negative patterns within yourself and your life.

Shortly said It is time to call in your higher self, your angels, Spirit Guides, your God or whatever it is that you believe in. They will help you guide you and bring signs, synchronizations and messages along your path to advice and help you. Because believe it or not they will!! They got your back!! Your are divinely guided!!

Scaring Demons

If you recently have faced your demons, healed old hurt and or even trauma. You now feel a strong pulled, a strong desire to take a next step in your life. Most likely a huge, unknown and scary. I know, it can definitely feel scary and that’s okay. It’s simply because it’s unknown territory.

Follow your gut feeling

Follow your intuition as it has already told you what to do. Trust in yourself! If this message is for you, than they ask you to finally take that step. You are protected and guides because this will change your life in the best way possible. Believe and stop doubting all the signs and messages you get!


To always take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t.
Based on my intuition and a little bit from the book as I’m still learning these new and amazing cards.
Love, Tammy

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