Oracle card for today: The Sun

Weekly Forecast

No. 53
Key phrase: “Time to get out of hibernation. Get out and play!”

The Sun

The Sun in the Tarot is always a happy, bright and positive card and so is this oracle card. It shows the fire within ourselves as well as the passion for life itself.

When this card shows up your asked to get out of your hermit vibe and have some fun.

Let’s be honest and real.. We have all spent a lot of time in and around our homes due to the pandemic that’s still going strong.. Now we have been grounded by mother earth and by our government.

We’re forced to look into ourselves and our lives. We have all gone through some kind of transformation. So it’s time to get out there and have some playtime.

Time to enjoy

We have had a tough time, well, most of us, and now it is time to get out and have some fun. Enjoy yourself! meet up with the people you care about.

Enjoy the good things, happy moments and enjoy life. Bring back some happiness and humor into your life as it’s been dark enough already.. time for a positive change.


We all are in different phases and stages in our life’s and we all walk our own unique path.

Because this is a general daily reading not everything will resonate! So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!

My readings are based on the current collective energy. Also remember that when there is another person involved a reading can be vice versa.

Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings that I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy  

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