Staff - Tammy Bo Tarot

Oracle card for today: The Staff

Weekly Forecast

No. 51
Keywords: “Authority, Attachments, Release, Surrender”

The Origin

The Staff represents Authority. It has the ability to temper anything or anyone. The Staff let’s you know that all things are impermanent. We all know that change in inevitable.

Bigger Picture

The Staff asks you to take a closer look at yourself or your current situation. It is time to see the bigger picture. See the whole picture. Not just the nice things or the positive. Which is always good, however it’s also wise to think about the things as well. It’s good to be prepared and at least have thought about the things that could become a obstacle or problem. In this case you have given it some thought so it won’t be a surprise if something goes side way.

For some

This card gifts you the energy to cut through the bullshit and helps you find the right balance again and overcome any obstacle or issue you might face along your journey. As we all know nothing lasts forever so go with the change even if it initially feels like a struggle.

Step Back

If you are in the middle of opposite forces so basically if you are in the middle of some kind of argument or conflict. Either with yourself or with others. The Staff let’s you know that you have every tools you need to turn this situation into your advantage. All that’s asked in to calm down and give it some thought as I think you will find exactly how to use this to your advantage!


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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