The Sorcerer
No. 48
Keywords: “ego, self limiting & destructive thoughts, dark side”
Darker powers
Don’t get scared I’m not talking about demons or the devil or black magic. I’m talking about our own darker power.
Our own personal demons within. Our self destructive and self centered behaviors, our fears, anger, worries and insecurities all coming from our ego mind that feeds us these limiting believes.
The ego
The ego is basically that little voice we have inside our mind that always criticize ourselves and others. It’s our negative thoughts, the what if questions. The doom scenario’s we make up. The excuses we come up with not do follow our heart or desire. It’s our unhealthy addictions, bad behavior. It’s our EGO-tistical self.
Is the key to challenge yourself and your ego thoughts. This card asks you to become aware of your own unhealthy, self destructive and negative thoughts.
When we are in the energy of our ego we are assholes. We only think about ourselves or we make it so that it’s in the end always the other ones fault and not our own.
Whatever your dark thoughts are it’s time to reflect on your negative thoughts and pick them out one by one and work with them. Why are you thinking that? Is it true? Where does is come from?
If these thoughts are true you can work on exactly that and make that thought less heavy.
If you can’t do anything about it, why worry so much? I mean why giving something you can’t control so much control over you? You see where I’m going with this?
I can say from my own experience this is so damn hard to do but I promise you it will be so damn worth it if you do.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything you read will resonate.
So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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