The Owl - Tammy Bo Tarot

Oracle card for today: The Owl

Weekly Forecast

No. 39
Key phrase: Truth, clarity, Self deception & False believes”

The Owl

The Owl is a beautiful creature that can see better when it’s dark than when it’s light. They see clearly and bring truth and objectivity to any current situation.

In a a nut shell.. sometimes we need to go through a darker time in life to finally see the hidden truths. See the hidden lessons and their blessings.

Self deception

The Owl is the protector of self deception. She can enter your life many forms. Either via your intuition, signs and messages from your spirit guides, angels, God or your ancestors.

She can also show up in the form of a friends advice. Or the message from the owl can come from within, within yourself, providing the clarity that you need to get out of illusions that you may have told yourself.

Wake up

What is it that you feel stuck in or with? Think about it for a second. Now what false believes and what illusions are you telling yourself in regards to this situation?

Are these thoughts real? Is it the truth? Or are these thoughts based on fear, anxiety, anger or are they coming from sadness.

Most of the time these beliefs are linked to old, past and hurtful events that went down a long time ago. Something that have marked our soul, something that we still haven’t really healed.

We are good at hiding shitty parts of our life so we can exist and deal with the present. But as we all know.. the past will and does hunt us when we don’t deal with it.

The Owl asks you to see the bigger picture. Try to see things from a different perspective. With truth and honesty. Be real with yourself!

Now keep on focusing today on these thoughts, illusions and keep tackle them by reflecting and keeping it real!


We all are in different phases and stages in our life’s and we all walk our own unique path.

Because this is a general daily reading not everything will resonate! So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!

My readings are based on the current collective energy. Also remember that when there is another person involved a reading can be vice versa.

Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings that I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy  

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