No. 18
Keywords: “Healthy Nutrition, Helping others, Caring for Animals and living your dreams”
Merry Christmas!
That you all may have the best Christmas ever! Filled with love, joy, laughter, good food and amazing gifts!
Let’s make these two days SOOO amazing that we forget the rest of 2020 😉
The Earth Keeper asks us to be aware of our earth and everything that is living on and in earth. Obviously we can’t fix the global warming or change anything big all by ourselves. What we can do is change our own little work and do something that’s good for mother earth and for us..
You can help the environment by changing a few small things at home. Like me, I always unplug my electrical devices and use green energy or power.. or however you call it in English.. All the little things make a huge difference over time.
And for yourself.. go outdoors.. work around the house, work in the garden or enjoy the parks and take care of animals in need. All of the above is what the Earth Keeper is all about.
Keepers of the earth
The word Earth Keeper is self explaining. You are the keeper of the earth. We all are! We can’t change the world that’s just possible for most people but we can change our own little world and cherish mother earth and everything she gives us. So make little changes that helps with keeping our environment healthy.
Take care of animals in need, go visit a homeless shelter or donate to the foodbank. If you are blessed by life make sure you share your blessings and abundance. What goes around comes around.. never forget that!
Today is also a great day to check and see how you can improve your health, your diet or see what exercise you could do to improve your physical body. You are a child of mother earth too and should be looked after as well!
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything you read will resonate. So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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