No. 14 – Keywords: “Karmic debts, Karmic legacy, What goes around..”
The Curse
This card speaks all about the karmic cords that are still attached to you. Not just cords but kind of all the things that are preventing you from following your destined path. It speaks about becoming aware of outdated believes, tradition and open up to new possibilities and visions.
Simply said
Those moments in life where everything feels like it is falling apart and at one point your just thinking “I’m cursed”
That kind of what this card is about.
In some way, you’re right. Just not exactly how you think. Sure, I believe in real curses. However the biggest curse is often created by our own actions, not just in this life time.
It is time to see the bigger picture and recognize and reflect on the source of your limitations or limiting believes. Where does it come from? Sure, you are partly responsible. However it always goes deeper than that and you know it.
Are you feeling sick or battling health issues? What is the nature of your medical condition. What can you do to improve your health? Obviously we have doctors. Still there is a lot of things we can do ourselves. Like exercise, stretch, eat healthy and good nutritious foods. Perhaps a diet that fits your condition? I mean, my point is that there is always something you can do, right?
This was just an example but you can apply the advice and situation onto everything that you feel you’re cursed with.
Be aware
Of your actions, the way you treat people. ” What goes around comes around” We all know that karma always finds her way and gift you with your own doing. So do well, be aware of your actions and just know that if you do good, you will receive the same and the other way around. Remember, the universe does not know time, so who knows what karma will come back in your next life. Good and the Nasty!
A while ago I did some research about Karma and the extend over life times. SO basically what I learned and read about it is that all the good and the bad you will do in your lifetime will influence 7 generations. Ain’t that something?!
With the two daily cards and the upcoming cards I strongly think that a lot of people are in the process of releasing old karma. Either a big ass karmic debt will be paid of or a minor one, doesn’t matter, big or small. Karma is coming. Therefore expect a universal gift or karma biting your ass. Depending on you and your actions 😉
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy
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