Oracle card for today: The Crow

Weekly Forecast

No. 13
Keywords: “Law of Truth”

Be true to yourself

Have been truthful and honest with yourself and with others? Do you see the excuses you make for yourself or to others. Excuses that at not really true or holds half of the truth.

It’s not just excuses but maybe you accept behavior or behavior of someone else that isn’t good and honest but still you find a way to talk it smooth. Kind of resetting boundaries in a not so healthy way. Which reninds me of the devil card in the tarot.

Closing your eyes

It’s kind of like closing your eyes because you don’t want to see the truth in a certain situation because maybe it will hurt or you just don’t want to see it because it might open up the baggage that’s been hidden for a while now. It’s for everyone different obviously but the message remains the same: open your eyes.

Open your eyes

What have you been lying about or shady about? I mean we all tell ourselves some lies, to a degree. What is it that you have been telling yourself that actually isn’t true?

Open your eyes and see where you can change your behavior and thoughts. Be truthful and honest towards yourself. Be real!! You keep telling yourself things that you know ain’t real.


Follow through with being honest and real. Not just with yourself or others but in any kind of way. In any situation or whatever circumstances you deal with. Stay honest and truthful. Act and handle accordingly and don’t lower yourself or your boundaries when there is a situation going on that feels unfair. In the end you can only control and change yourself.


To always take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t.
Based on my intuition and a little bit from the book as I’m still learning these new and amazing cards.
Love, Tammy

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