The Beloved - TAMMY BO TAROT

Oracle card for today: The Beloved

Weekly Forecast

No. 5
Keywords: “Our loved ones, union with spirit through the love of another”

Here we have yet another gorgeous card from the mystical shaman oracle deck: Wind 63.

Here we have yet another gorgeous card from the mystical shaman oracle deck: The Beloved 5.

If you are single, this card shows up when you are going to meet your Divine counterpart. It is a sign that the person you will spend the rest of your life with is about to enter or make a move obviously its all depending on your situation.

To make sure that you are ready spirit is asking you to be careful with those who romantically will cross your path as this is not the right time to fall in and out of relationships. It is time to start focusing on personal growth and development as this connection, this Divine connection is all about mirroring one another. So what you go through they will to and vice versa.

For those who are already in a relationship this card is telling you that you start to see your other half in a different light. You see them as whole and complete.. Kind of like you see their soul and because you see them in such a beautiful way you also realize now that their personality and their soul, their divine nature are not the same. Which makes us able to release any irritation or any minor frustrating things.. For example the fact they don’t clean up after them or that they are always late with texting or whatever minor flaw was annoying you. You will see the bigger picture. You will see them for who they truly are and so comes acceptance.

You two mirror each other, so if you don’t like something the other does, give then an example of how you want it.

Just on a side not this doesn’t necessarily have to be about a romantic partner though it can be about anyone who is your beloved!

Anyway take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t.
Based on my intuition and a little bit from the book as I’m still learning these new and amazing cards.


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