No. 49
Keywords: “Finding yourself after being lost”
Feeling lost?
The essence of this card is all about finding back yourself after being lost for a while.
I mean we have all been there at one point, right? A moment in life when everything all falls apart. We are lost and feel like shit. We hit rock bottom! I’m sure you’ve been there. It sucks but after a while when you look back you just might be thankful in a way. You wouldn’t have been the you that you are today without the pain of back then.
When we are in a dark place it’s the ego that fucks things up. Our ego, our negative thoughts. You know those self destructive and toxic thoughts will take over control and we lose ourselves in that process. We don’t feel like doing things, are down and just not happy. Shortly said we are depressed and completely lost. We are by far not the person we used to be.
Remember who you are!
This card shows up when it is time to get back into your power again. It is time to find yourself again! Which is so easy to say yet so hard to do!
From my own experience, it took some time to get fully back to myself. So be patient because it’s probably a long process.
Better times are coming
When you see this card and even tough it doesn’t feel like it right now, things are going to change for you from this point forward. You will start to find yourself and you might even challenge yourself to crawl out of your hermit shell or out of ‘the darkness’ of your mind.
You will get more energy and passion to fully be present in your life and do whatever it is that YOU want. Not what others or society expects from you. Be unapologetically YOU!
This is a general reading so not everything will resonate. The reading can be vice versa if you deal with others. My readings are always based on the collective energy unless mentioned otherwise.
Also remember to never make drastic decisions based on a reading. Use your own intuition and that beautiful brain of yours.
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