Yet again we have The Corn!!
No. 10
Keywords: “Wealth, Abundance, Fortune Harvest”
‘The Corn’
This card is all about abundance. In any way, shape or form. Kind of like The Wheel of Fortune in Tarot. They both carry the same number, 10.
Work hard, Play hard
Abundance doesn’t come easy. It required a lot of motivation and dedication to get to where you are today. You have worked your ass off and you are now able to enjoy the fruits of your hard labor. It is time to harvest and live life to the fullest. Be thankful and grateful for everything that you are now surrounded by.
Light and Dark
Just like us, having a light and darker side.. So have the cards.. So if you are in a not so happy place and you are still working your ass of to get what or where you want to go.. This card is telling you to keep up the hard work. Keep having faith en trust that your God, Angels and spirit guides are helping you out behind the scenes to set everything in motion at just the right time. So be patient. Work hard and keep yourself motivated.
Pay attention
Don’t fall for any tricks or shady offers that might come your way as this cards warns you that there are maybe some opportunities coming in that are able to set you of track! You can use your intuition because alarm bells will go off when something feels off or feels shady.
Anyway take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t.
Based on my intuition and a little bit from the book as I’m still learning these new and amazing cards.
Love, Tammy
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