No. 4
Key phrase: “Be in the present moment”
Little Things
When was the last time that you just enjoyed the moment. Smelled the roses, enjoyed the singing birds or whatever.
You get the point!? Those small beautiful things in life that we often don’t see because we are always running around and focusing on the next best thing, task or responsibility.
This card asks you to stop for a minute and live in the here and now.
You probably are very busy at the moment and you might even feel that you are lived by the day to day tasks, responsibilities and activities.
It’s time to take a step back and breath for a second. Be present and see all the beautiful little things that the earth has to offer. Ground, reload an recharge yourself with the grace and beauty and healing abilities of mother earth.
Energy exchange
This is also asking to take a closer look into your personal relationships and see which one are making you happy and energetic and which ones are draining you!
Try to find the right balance or maybe even set some boundaries for yourself. You only have a small amount of energy to give away to others to maintain balanced. So use and spend your beautiful bubble wisely.
This is a general reading not everything will resonate! So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
My readings are based on the current collective energy. Also remember that when there is another person involved a reading can be vice versa.
Never make drastic decisions based on a psychic reading. Always follow your own intuition and use that beautiful brain of yours.
Love, Tammy
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