Oracle card for today: Atlantis

Weekly Forecast

Little Charm: “Hummingbird”
Keywords: “Mystery, Secrets, High tech, Healing, good luck and love”


So I know the official meaning of this card is not what I’m about to write. I mean when I think of Atlantis I think of the big ass mystery that surrounds it. The mystery and the secrets it hold. The endless search for Atlantis. So when it appears in my reading I read it just like that. As a big ass mystery. Who doesn’t love a good old mystery, right?!


In the native American culture a hummingbird is the bringer of good luck, Love, joy and the bringer of good health. Kind of like the wheel of fortune in the tarot.


The two are telling me that there is something entering your life. Something you don’t see coming. It’s something that’s been hidden in the shadows and soon will be revealed.

Daily Tarot

For today we have the queen of cups and the moon. You can read about it in my previous posts or on my website. Basically I wrote that there is a little “I knew it” moment happening today or very soon.
I feel the same ” I knew it” vibe that i Feel with the two daily cards. I think that there might be something coming to light. A secret being revealed or something like that but most likely In the most happy way possible. If you feel connected to this reading I definitely advise you to check out my previous post where I write more about it.


Always takes what resonates. Especially with a general reading an leave what doesn’t.
Love, Tammy ✨

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