Mercury Retrograde

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Mercury retrograde – 30th of January till 21st of February in the signs of Aquarius & Pisces.

Embrace yourself..

The first Mercury retrograde is a fact! We have a shit load of planets chilling in Aquarius right now. We have mercury leaving Aquarius soon to move into Pisces, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn and Pluto and Venus are about to enter Aquarius soon.

So a lot of Air energy is what we most likely will feel. Air is linked to our mind. So out thoughts, how we analyze, information.. You know.. All the mental brain stuff!
So we will be spending a lot of time up in our head about things.

Yet we also have to take into consideration that Mercury will move his ass into Pisces soon so we will move out of our head and into our heart.

Pisces is water and rules our emotions and feeling. Pisces energy is dreamy, loving and forgiving. A perfect balance of you ask me.. First we all up in our head about things that matter or worries us and afterwards we can let our emotions in too and see how we truly feel.

How does Mercury affect you personally?

What things? will you think about or dream about later on this retrograde? Well.. Like I said, that’s personal and different for many.

Here’s what you gotta do;

Look up your chart and find Mercury. Now check the house, where is mercury chilling in your chart? In what sign? You can google for example mercury house 6 or whatever. I know you are creative enough to find out!

Mine is in the 6th house in Scorpio. The house of your ‘roots’ so your home environment, small animals and structure. In the sign of transformation and rebirth. So basically I’m thinking a lot about my home life and how I am in much need of a major change!

What is Mercury all about?

Mercury rules the zodiac signs; Virgo & Gemini and is the planet of communication, technology, communication, our mind and intelligence.

So basically Mercury is all about how we think and express ourselves. It’s also linked to travel and contracts.
What can we expect from Mercury Retrograde What do expect? So.. Let’s get to the point..

What to expect?

Down below you’ll find the general and basic hiccups we deal with during every mercury retrograde. Further on we will dive a little deeper into the energy of this mercury retrograde.

Return of the ex

The most famous one and most accurate AF… Old lovers, flames or toxic ex’s or friends, whatever.. they will find their way back to you.

Especially friends, so old friends that return to find closure or rebuild an old friendship.

Often this happens, the return of the ex / friend, when we haven’t really healed from your connection or did any shadow work for that matter or perhaps it’s to finally close a chapter.

Anyway.. just throwing this out there for who wants to listen: It is not really advised to get back together. and to be honest Mercury retrograde is not the best time to get back together with anyone, really! Or any other form of commitment. Mainly due to the many miscommunications and technical difficulties.

Communication is a thing!! 

So lots of miscommunications, feeling defensive or taking things personally due to communication being shit. Not be able to speak.. As in falling over words, stuttering.. You know.. Just not able to speak like you normally would. Of course one experiences this more than the other but it’s very common.


Technical stuff will malfunction, breakdown or become slower. -Due to the two obstacles above, surgery or any medical (big) thing is advised to post pone at least till the end of November.

What to expect part 2.


Aquarius energy is all about freedom, humanity and friendships.

So basically we will be reevaluating a lot of our friendships and connections.

What kind of connections do you have.. How is the communication between the two of you and how can your friendship grow or maybe improved?

Are there maybe some connections a bit overdue and time to let go. Sometimes we grow in different ways and that’s okay too.


We will ask ourselves questions about how we truly feel and if we feel free enough especially within our connections.

Freedom is a very important aspect of this retrograde. Almost like that’s the main theme of your connections being free and just really being yourself, you know? That’s all you want.. friends who support, respect and be free in your choices. Someone who supports and understand. Someone who is on the same wavelength as you are, you know what I mean?

Basically we all will be spending some time reflecting on our friendships, our freedom and what we want basically!

Dreamy & Nostalgic

The second half of the infamous mercury retrograde is probably going to bring us back down to memory lane.

We will be thinking back on our childhood and how we grew up.. We might think about who we have grown up with and who has played a big role in our life growing up.

Also we might think back on how we were when when we were kids and how we have grown. All the events that has taken place and how it shaped us into who we are today.

Some last words

Like I said, the descriptions above are general and won’t resonate with everyone. So if you want to know more I highly suggest you look up your own natal chart and do some digging.

Take care, be kind and don’t mess shit up!! You got this!
Love, Tammy

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