26 / 27th of February 2021
Full Moon
When the moon is at her brightest, we feel her vibe the strongest. So what do we generally feel?
Most of us will experience feeling foggy and dreamy, feeling restless and fatigued. Just a bit out of it.. Like we live in our own little bubble. We often experience sleepless nights, restless nights or no sleep at all. Not only at the day of the full moon, but a few days prior and after. I will write about the general effects as well as more in depth further on in this blog.
Every full moon is encouraging you to release that what is simply not serving you anymore. Keep in mind that you can only release from within. Release old patterns, toxic behavior, unhealthy lifestyle, negative and self destructive thoughts.
To get the bigger picture and see what it is that needs to be released or addressed we look at the other planets and see how and where they are chilling and who hangs out with who.
I am not by far a professional astrologer so I just go with the main and most prominent placements.
Remember that it always starts with yourself. The Moon will help, guide and provide you with her strong energies, the rest is up to you.
This full moon is in the sign of Virgo and rules the 6th house in Astrology. This is the house of health, vitality, daily routines, pets and order. Virgo is ruled by Mercury the planet of communication, logic, travel and knowledge.
People born under the sign of Virgo are by nature very structured and efficient in their daily life. Virgo’s have a thing for perfection. Which can be their biggest enemy from time to time.
They also like to make lists to make sure everything get done and is not forgotten. Like I said, structured (amazing) people 🙂
Overall this hard working earth sign is one who isn’t afraid of change. Especially changing flaws and bad habits or cutting out things in their life they just know won’t work out. They like their peace and harmony.
Virgos are very thoughtful and kind people with corcky sides to them. You know.. The cute corcky tendencies!
They have a heart and of gold and put family first. Virgo is the hermit in tarot for a reason. They’re real hermits. They love the comfort of their home. It’s their sanctuary.
Prominent Placements
So there are a lot of planets surrounding the sun. The moon is all alone in Virgo. What might make us feel a little lonely. Especially considering the pandemic. So just embrace yourself because feeling alone will be more amplified around the full moon.
Because Venus is Pisces next to the Sun we all feel like we need a break. Have a some rest and recharge a little. Yet due to the Moon in Virgo we tend to get caught up in our head and think about all that we need to do. So not much of a rest if you ask me. Still try to get a little rest and if that means to do something first than so it be.
Last but certainly not least… Can we get an hallelujah! There are 0 planets in retrograde right now. Ain’t that something!
So the next two month are all about forward movement and new beginnings. The square between Uranus and Saturn will makes us think of the past and what we don’t want. How we want to break free from old cycles. We are still debating ourselves on past shit but by doing so we will find out what we want for our future, makes sense, right?
Effects of this full moon in Virgo
The fact that we are aware of what’s going on will only give us more understanding and therefore compassion for ourselves and perhaps for others that we deal with.
It kind of makes it easier, for me personally, to deal with myself (and others) if that makes sense? Awareness is Key! Let me just put it like this; Being aware makes me less bitch and more understanding.
Anyway let’s dive into what we can feel and experience this full moon in Virgo.
1) A good night rest? Nee nee!
We sleep like shit. You might have some crazy ass dreams and wake up tired. Or you might experience trouble sleeping in, or through the night and feeling restless. Maybe feeling bursts of energy, restless legs or just overall feeling like your wide awake. Whatever it is, most people experience a shitty night of sleep.
2) Intuition on point AF
During every full moon our intuition spikes. We experience more déjà vu’s. Our dreams are weird and we daydream more often. So use this to your advantage rather than fighting this feeling.
If you have been carrying around a burning question. Take time to site down and meditate and tune into your higher self. Listen to your intuition as it will lead you towards the answers.
This full moon we will feel overall very positive and happy about ourselves and our life. Sure we can all come up with things we want to improve but in the end we are satisfied with what we have and who we surround ourselves with.
This positive vibe will only become stronger the next months which makes this energy perfect energy to work with to make shit happen! Positive vibes create perfect opportunities.
Expect lots of growth and the eagerness to finally makes shit happen. The time is now!
4) Healthy lifestyle
The 6th house is all about health, remember? So chances are that you are going to find a healthier life style that fits your wishes and needs.
Perhaps your thinking of doing some extra exercise or maybe you think about changing up your diet? Whatever it is most of us will find a way to change something that’s not so in healthy into something that’s better for us.
5) Spring cleaning
With the overall positive vibe, the need for rest and the homely energies of Virgo will make this weekend a perfect weekend to do some spring cleaning. So clean up, declutter your house and let some fresh air in. Or just fix up some things around the home to make it extra cozy.
I always like to use the energy of the full moon to release what no longer serves me. I do this together with my daughter. We will take each a little note. On this note we write down things that we want to release. Make sure that you only release something from within. Like a bad habit or behavior that we like to change. Or even outcomes to things we want to see happen.
In the mean time we work on our intentions and our manifestations in the here and now. Because we still have to put in the hard work ourselves, the moon and the universe can only do so much, right?
As always, Take it how it resonates and leave what doesn’t. Have a lovely full moon! Take care, be safe & make good choices!
Love, Tammy
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