Full Moon in Pisces

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20th of September we have a full moon in Pisces

Full Moon

Did you know? That the word “lunatic” comes from the word Luna. In a nutshell, way back people already noticed that people and even animals acted all weird and crazy during a full moon and that’s why they call crazy people lunatics 😉 Even to this day the police and the hospitals are way more busy during a full moon than any other day of the month.

When the moon is at her brightest we feel her vibe the strongest. However most of us will experience restlessness, feeling foggy and fatigue, dreamy. Just a bit out of it.. Like we live in our bubble. We all are way more emotional than usual and just feel a little different. Each month we have a full moon but each time in a different sign. This full moon is in the sign of Pisces.


This full moon is in Pisces. Neptune and Jupiter are the planetary rulers of Pisces. Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition, compassion and illusions. Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, abundance and growth. Pisces people are well known to be the dreamers of the zodiac. They have a strong imagination and love their own fantasy world. So they are also often drawn to fantasy genre movies or books or they just create their own story’s. They are very emotional and creative creatures. Pisces love the arts, music and beauty.
By nature they are very nurturing and have a shit load of compassion and love. Pisces are always understanding in every situation. They can be naïve from time to time and could get lost in their own fantasies and illusions.

Prominent placements

Depending on other planets and where they are chillin we can go a little deeper and see how these planets will affect us this Full Moon.

Pisces vibes

Pisces energy will only grow stronger up to April 2022 when Neptune and Jupiter conjunct one another in the sign of Pisces. Basically this means that there will an intense feeling of hope! Hope that certain events in the world will change or get better. That things will get better for humanity, because let’s be honest.. Its almost everywhere in the world a freaking shit show! Perhaps we are hoping that our government finally understands the definition of freedom and does something about all these damn restrictions. 

Its also about your own dreams and wishes. What are you hoping for? What are your dreams? Not just the logical dreams.. dreams you think you can achieve but far beyond logic.. So I ask again, now, without logic… What are your dreams? What do you want for yourself, your family or the world? 

Mars conjuncts Sun

Mars in Libra, the sign of justice and balance. This creates a vibe of not exactly knowing what you should do. Making the right choices or decisions. The key is to tune into your Pisces energy, tune into your intuition and your higher self. Together with the logic and fairness of Libra you need both to find the answers you are looking for. In a way its like a little collaboration between your heart and your mind. 


We got 6 retrogrades. To be specific, we have 5 retrogrades happening right now. Mercury will be the 6th at the 27th of September. However we deal with a shadow period so in a way we have 6 retrogrades. Anyway.. All these retrogrades makes us wanna spend some time within! You know doing some introspection and contemplating life choices.

Spending time inwards is often challenging cause we have this ego that always pops up. The ego, out own negative, toxic and self destructive mind fucks things up or make this introspection a little more challenging. Now with this Pisces full moon there is will be a lot of loving, soft and kind energy. So if you were battling with some ego issues than this is the time to find back the love you have for yourself and work on taming your ego. It’s time to find inner peace and quiet.

Now back to the full moon

Basically this full moon will be all about your emotions, dreams, intuition and your own created illusions or delusions. Time to listen closely to your intuition and pay attention to those weird ass dream that you have. We are in Virgo season so that means that Virgos energy is kind of a stabilizer for the always dreamy Pisces. Virgo is here to balance the here and now with the never ending dreaming vibe of Pisces. However it’s almost Libra season so we also have some air vibes.

What will we feel this upcoming full moon?

A good night rest? Nee Nee!

We sleep like shit. I mean, you either are sleeping but wake up tired and have some crazy dreams going on. Or you might experience trouble sleeping in or through the night and feeling restless.


During the day we might feel a bit fatigue and foggy. You might find yourself daydreaming more than usual and just the feeling of being out of it. Because Pisces are great dreamers your dreams will be more vivid, weird or maybe even experience lucid dreaming.

Illusions & delusion

You might experience fooling yourself with thoughts, dreams and fantasies. I’m not saying that fantasizing about things is a bad thing but you know those times where we want to only just live in our self made bubble, real or not. Yeah, those times where we should focus on the here and now but we choose to stay in our bubble.
The advice is to try to find the right kind of balance for yourself. Act when necessary and bubble all the way when you have time to chill.


Pisces is one of most intuitive signs of the zodiac. The moon also awakens our 6th sense and spikes up our intuition. So you can only imagine what the two of them would do for you these next days.. Yup.. A very high and on point intuition.

You will feel when things are off or you know without knowing that your friend or family is not feeling well or maybe you have thought of someone calling or texting you and seconds later you receive that call or message.
The advice is to really listen to your gut feeling. Listen to what you intuition is telling you and where it is guiding you.


Are probably all over the place. You might feel more emotional than usual. Cry over things you normally wouldn’t cry about. Or act more on your emotions what could result in reacting in a way that you maybe later regret or is just out of character.

You can use these emotions to dive deep within yourself and find the source of these emotions and see where they are truly coming from. Just like with anger.. There is always a reason behind the anger and that goes for every emotion that you feel basically. Anyway think before you act is a good advice if you ask me. However I’m not one to give this advice in all honesty because I’m not so good at it.


Since we’re still in Virgo season we also feel a strong pull towards our home life. Being home and retreating at home. You might think about things on how to improve your home. Cleaning clutter is a good way to release literally what is no longer aligned with you. De-clutter yourself and have a good scrub, peel or pedicure.


Water is key!! If you feel drained, a little under the weather or if you just feel like shit.. Go and take a shower, take a long hot bath or do a little dance in the rain. Whatever it is.. Water will have a healing effect. 


Every full moon is encouraging you to release that what is simply not serving you anymore. This can obviously be about anything, really! However keep in mind that you can only release from within.

Release old patterns, toxic behavior, unhealthy lifestyle, negative and self destructive thoughts. If you want to release  something or someone in your life or a situation that’s just not in alignment with you anymore.. Remember that it always starts with yourself.

The Moon will help, guide and provide her string energies the rest is up to you. We can’t change others or some situations. We can change how we deal with them and how we proceed forward.

My Full Moon ritual

I always like to use the energy of the full moon to release what no longer serves me in my life or personal growth. I do this together with my daughter. We will take each a little note. On this note we write down something that we want to release. Which is often something within us. Like a bad habit or behavior that we like to change. Or even outcomes to things we want to see happen. After done writing down we go to the garden and burn our piece of paper to symbolically release our intentions.

As always, Take it how it resonates and leave what doesn’t. Have a lovely full moon!
Take care, be kind and love yourself!
Love, Tammy

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