on 29/30th of December in the sign of Cancer.
Full Moon
When the moon is at her brightest, we feel her vibe the strongest.
Most of us will experience feeling foggy and dreamy, feeling restless and fatigued. Just a bit out of it.. Like we live in our own little bubble. We often experience sleepless nights, restless nights or no sleep at all. Not only at the day of the full moon, but a few days prior and after. I will write about the general effects as well as more in depth further on in this blog.
Every full moon is encouraging you to release that what is simply not serving you anymore. Keep in mind that you can only release from within. Release old patterns, toxic behavior, unhealthy lifestyle, negative and self destructive thoughts.
To get the bigger picture and see what it is that needs to be released or addressed we look at the other planets and see how and where they are chilling.
I am not by far a professional astrologer so I just go with the main and most prominent placements.
Remember that it always starts with yourself. The Moon will help, guide and provide you with her strong energies, the rest is up to you.
We have a Square going on between the Nodes, Gemini, Venus and Pisces. This square enhances or trigger our trust issues. Basically we will ask ourselves if we can trust certain people, situations or even the government. We also take a look at our selves. Can we be trusted? Do we play fair?
The tarot card that I pulled for the collective is the Queen of Swords. So basically most of us will probably think back on a situation(s) where you might have felt betrayed. The Queen is here to tell us that we will think about how to set up healthy boundaries and the need for open and clear communication in the future.
The queen has her sword raised and her hand extended so basically we are still open for new connections yet are still guarded and protected by the swords. Which also makes me think that there still needs to be some healing done with whatever comes up.
South Node Conjuncts Venus
This conjunction makes us feel like we want do deal with a certain situation the way we are used to. This doesn’t always have to be a bad thing but think about it.. you’ve probably changed you ammo because it didn’t work in the first place. So why now go back? I know it’s quite cryptic but we all have so many different things that we have changed over time. So take it how it resonates with you, okay?
The card I pulled for this conjunction is; The Lovers
So most of us will be feeling a little torn between the you.. you are today and the you where a while ago. So basically what I see is that a lot of us has grown a lot and chose to live life more with an open heart. We have learned to love ourselves more and we have made the necessary steps to make a change for the better. So perhaps a lot of us feel like we will be triggered to go back or fall back into old patterns of the person we used to be.
Since this Full moon is in the sign of Cancer we all will feel the Cancer energy.
Cancerian people are generally really like hermit crabs. They like the comfort of their home and like to be at home a lot. It’s the place where they are the happiest and the place where they can truly be themselves. They often battle with some sort of insecurities or low self esteem, like many of us I know. However the emotions of waters signs run so deep that these insecurities seem to be hard to handle. So this full moon we all will battle a little with our own self worth, our self esteem and all the insecurities that come out to play.
People born under the sign of cancer are very loyal and overly protective over the people they care about. They are very nurturing and caring people.
If you have a Cancerian friend than you know they got you back and will always care for you. They make sure you feel good, are fed properly and are just there if you want to talk or get something from your chest. So basically you feel this caring to. Especially for your family and your soul family! I mean.. Not that you aren’t normally but perhaps now more than usual.
Effects of a full moon
So what will we feel this upcoming full moon? Obviously this is all very general and you don’t really have to feel and notice all of these vibes that are going on. Just take what resonates and go with what you feel is you.
The fact that we are aware of what’s going on will only gives us more understanding and therefore compassion for ourselves and perhaps with others that we deal with.
It kind of makes it easier, for me personally, to deal with and how to deal with myself and what it is that has been going on, makes sense?
Anyway let’s dive into what we can feel and experience this full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini.
A good night rest? Nope!
We sleep like shit. I mean, you either are sleeping deep but have some crazy dreams going on and wake up tired anyway. Or you might experience trouble sleeping in, or through the night and feeling restless. Maybe feeling bursts of energy, restless legs or just overall feeling like your wide awake. Whatever it is, most people experience a shitty night of sleep.
During every full moon our intuition spikes. We experience more déjà vu’s. Our dreams are weird and we daydream more often. So use this to your advantage. If you have been carrying around a burning question. Take time to site down and meditate and tune into your higher self. Listen to your intuition as it will lead you towards the answers.
This full moon is in the sign of Cancer, a very and highly intuitive sign. So embrace your 6th sense because like mentioned your intuition is on freaking point! Listen to it!!
Emotions are probably all over the place. You might feel more emotional than usual. Cry over things you normally wouldn’t cry about. Or maybe you will now act more on your emotions (something you normally wouldn’t do), what could result in reacting in a way that you maybe later regret or is just out of character.
You can use these emotions to dive deep within yourself and find the source of these emotions and see where they are truly coming from. Just like with anger. There is always a reason behind the anger and that goes for every emotion that you feel basically. Anyway think before you act is a good advice if you ask me. However in all honesty, I’m maybe not the one to give this advice, since I’m not so great at it myself.
We will feel the need to question basically everything. Like mentioned earlier we will want to do things the old way or are falling back into old patterns. However because were moving towards the north node we will question these old and outdated believes and or patterns. We will question situations that are a global thing. We question actions and information from the goverment.
Above all we will question ourselves, our behaviour, our actions, our dreams and actions, the food that we eat, how we deal with basically everything.
It’s important that you don’t get lost in your head and epically don’t get caught up in your emotions. This is a time to find the answers you need to the questions you have. You will look for solutions to problems and will find new ways to change current ideas or visions.
Just keep in mind that if you have questions about others or are questioning the actions of others.. all you need to do is respect their idea’s, wishes and actions because it is their life. Not yours, okay? Even though it might suck or whatever.. We have no control over others. Just ourselves!
Is key this full moon. Everything will be about family. Family by blood or by soul. It doesn’t matter. If someone feels like family they are! You feel a lot of love and a deep need for expressing your love to another. So expect a lot of love heading your way and expect to give a lot of love too. There will be a feeling of wholeness,completion, if that makes sense?
I always like to use the energy of the full moon to release what no longer serves me in my life or personal growth. I do this together with my daughter. We will take each a little note.
On this note we write down something that we want to release. Which is often something within us. Like a bad habit or behavior that we like to change. Or even outcomes to things we want to see happen.
We also write what we want to manifest or improve. After done writing down we go to the garden and burn our piece of paper to symbolically release our intentions. in the mean time we work on our intentions and our manifestations in the here and now. Because we still have to put the work in, the moon and spirit can only do so much, right?
As always, Take it how it resonates and leave what doesn’t. Have a lovely full moon! Take care, be safe & kind to others but especially yourself.
Love, Tammy
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