08 1 08 2
Number 1
4 of Pentacles & Balsamic Moon
Keywords: Guarded & Protective
“Time for healing”
You have been through some tough times and even though the storm has calmed down your still dealing with the aftermath.
Basically what happens when we have been through shit our defense mechanism kicks in. We are on guard and alert. We even look for issues that aren’t there but who knows, right? Better prepared. However living in a constant state of high alert is exhausting as fuck!
Today’s advice it to become aware of your behavior and slowly do something about it. We can’t change being on high alert in a day it requires constant effort and patience. So start with healing today. Heal yourself by becoming aware of your own behavior and the deeper meaning behind the behavior itself. You got this 💪🏻
Number 2
The Magician & Full Moon in Pisces
Keywords: Magic & Abilities
“Balance spirituality and practicality”
If you chose this deck you are a spiritual badass. You are a lightworker who is eager to get out there and help people who feel a little lost.
You feel guided towards getting out there and build a platform where you can help and heal others. Share your talents and gifts.
Yet your just starting and have perhaps hit some road blocks. It’s hard to balance spirituality and practicality, I get the struggle!
Today you will focus on how to maintain or find the right kind of balance that fits with your everyday life.
This is a general reading so not everything will resonate. The reading can be vice versa if you deal with others. My readings are always based on the collective energy unless mentioned otherwise.
Also remember to never make drastic decisions based on a reading. Use your own intuition and that beautiful brain of yours.
The Hummingbird is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give you some extra guidance and advice.
-Mystical shaman oracle
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