11 1 11 2
Number 1
The Emperor & Full Moon in Sagittarius
Keywords: Divine Masculine, Control, Structure & Building Legacy
“Look at the bigger picture”
I pick up on someone who is getting a little off course. Perhaps due to unexpected things happening, unexpected responsibilities or you know, maybe because life just happens sometimes.
Today’s reading is to remind you to look at the bigger picture and take back control over you life and do what you initially intended to do.
Call it a little “snap the fuck out of it” moment.
Number 2
Judgement & New Moon in Gemini
Keywords: Freedom, Salvation, Awakening & Answers
“Communication is key”
Today is all about answers. So what answers are you looking for? Or even better.. What is your question?
Whatever it is you probably need to talk with someone to find the clarity you are looking for.
Remember that we can’t control or compel them to answer our questions.
Just talk to them and tell them what’s on your mind or heart and see what happens. There really nothing else that you can do.. is there?
This is a general reading so not everything will resonate. The reading can be vice versa if you deal with others. My readings are always based on the collective energy unless mentioned otherwise.
Also remember to never make drastic decisions based on a reading. Use your own intuition and that beautiful brain of yours.
The Owl is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give you some extra guidance and advice.
-Mystical shaman oracle
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