1803 1 1803 2
Number 1
9 of Pentacles & Full Moon in Pisces
Keywords: Independence, Satisfaction, & Happiness
‘Balance spirituality and practicality’
Your on top of the world baby! Your doing great. It seems like you have it all.. Sure we can always think of plenty of things we want but you have all that you need and live the independent and maybe even single life and you live it good.
However there’s a need to balance your spiritual you and the here and now you.. Maybe there’s something that throws you off guard today.. Like a little bumb in the road.
Try to maintain your focus and by doing so keep up your balancing act. Life is one big juggle.. I know.. Just don’t let a small obstacles bring you out of balance. Keep shit in perspective and real!
Number 2
4 of Cups & Mutable Moon
Keywords: Boredom, Missed Opportunity & Distraction
‘Nothing is yet set in stone’
You probably think you missed your shot at something or someone.. Whatever opportunity you think you’ve missed.. Think again.. Nothing is yet set on stone. Everything can still happen if you really want to.
So whator who is it that you want.. What made you miss the opportunity in the first place? These kind of questions might cross you path but not in a ‘I fucked up’ way but to know where to improve, if that makes sense.
Today is a day that you will think about what you want and how to get there!
This is a general reading so not everything will resonate. The reading can be vice versa if you deal with others. My readings are always based on the collective energy unless mentioned otherwise.
Also remember to never make drastic decisions based on a reading. Use your own intuition and that beautiful brain of yours.
Vision Quest is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give you some extra guidance and advice.
-Mystical shaman oracle
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