Chiron Retrograde

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Chiron Retrograde 11th of July – 15th of December
This is going to be a interactive blog.. because I need you to do something, If you want to fully understand this intense retrograde.

Calculate your natal chart!

What do you need to do? well, to fully understand what will happen for you, personally, it is important that you check your own natal chart. You can go to to calculate your natal chart or use google, whatever you want.
Do you have it? Check out Chiron’s placement in your chart. In what house and sign is Chiron placed? It’s important to know, otherwise everything you are about to read will not make any sense.

What is Chiron all about?

Chiron represents our scars,wounds, sacrifice and trauma. The effect of these wounds, scars or even trauma’s will result in many different ways. For you to know exactly in what area you will experience these difficulties depends on where Chiron is placed in your chart. The house and the sign it’s in, will be of great significance for you in how you deal with your trauma’s, your sacrifice and how to deal with it in your day to day life.

Personal Example

For example, Chiron is placed in my rising sign, Gemini. Which shortly explains my immense struggle with communicating. Me being a very outgoing person, when you get to know me, but when it comes down to talking or introducing myself or whatever.. I shut down. I have trouble being in the center of attention as well as speaking up in public. Yet the Scorpio in me won’t let people or situations cross my boundaries so I can also really stand up for myself but being political correct can be a challenge at times. Yet up til recently that were for me personally the only times I truly stand up or speak up. So for me my challenge this Chiron retrograde is to speak up and have some understanding and be kind to myself when I have a hard time doing so.

Whatever it is, knowing a cause makes it more easy to understand and with understanding comes releasing. Be kind, loving and understanding towards yourself and don’t force yourself to be happy if you feel shitty.. It’s kind of like being your own best friend 🙂


Basically or simply said Chiron retrograde makes it harder for you to deal with whatever you struggle with the most. What left the most impact on your being, on your soul. Which could go back recently or way back, childhood back.. The hurt and wounds might be harder to deal with while in retrograde. When we find out our Chiron placement we often totally recognize these obstacles. As we intend to overcompensate, work our ass of in these area’s but still feel like we are not good enough.

I know, so far no positive vibes here but I’m not done yet, so hold on. There is a solution for everything. Let’s stay positive and focused on how to use these energies to our advantage. I will shortly describe every sign, which will be a general description. Because as mentioned above, it’s for everyone personal. So for a more personal description check your own chart for more details.


You are always one who helps others. Protect and defend those who can’t protect them selves. You are someone who goes extra miles for everyone, accept yourself. Your obstacle is to take care of yourself. Truly taking care for yourself. Be nice, kind and understanding towards yourself as you are for other. Defend your own boundaries and protect yourself too. Work on your personal insecurities, because these insecurities are weighing you down in your day to day life and are maybe even with holding you from following your dreams.
Obstacle; putting yourself first.


The always giving and caring you! You spoil everyone around you. If you can, you do charity and heal the world how and wherever you can. Yet you might feel like you don’t deserve the “good” things in life. You always have the need to give it away. You are allowed to enjoy too. If others can be spoiled and treated, by you, with all the good stuff than so can you. Remind yourself that you are worth to enjoy the fruits of life.
Obstacle; Feeling guilty for taking time out.


Expression is key for you. You are very good when it comes down to talk. You can talk your way in or out of whatever you like. You know how important communication is and you know exactly how to communicate. Yet when Chiron is placed in your sign you have trouble practicing your own great advice. So trouble speaking up. Saying what is on your mind. Or talk in general. You rather be quite and let your mind do all the thinking, rather than talking. Remind yourself that if you don’t talk, it will get bottled up. Not just that but giving your ego the opportunity to take over and fill your thoughts with fear, worries and stress.
Obstacle; Speaking up, or speech in general.


The always caring and loving you! You want to nurture and love everyone, if you could. You have great advice. You always seem to know what advice to give to those around you. However, the love you give to others must be given to yourself to. Self love, self care and nurturing yourself is also and maybe even more important than others. So love yourself, be just as warm and loving for yourself as for others. Obstacle; Loving yourself.


You are the definition of power and strength! You like it of you can make people laugh and have a good time. Obviously you are someone who is very good at what they do and can make great coaches. However Chiron in Leo suggests that you are battling with feelings of guilt. This can be small from feeling guilty for enjoying quality time with your couch and Netflix or it can even be feeling sad or feeling like you are not good enough but in fact you are and you know that too. So again check your placements and take it how it resonates for you.
Obstacle; Feeling proud and satisfied with yourself.


We all have that one friend who always know what to do. Who always has great advice. You are that friend. You seem to know all the answers others are looking for. However when it comes down to yourself you are struggling with applying your own amazing advice to yourself. It seems like you feel at lost when something pops up.. but when a friend comes to you with the same thing you know what to do. Try to be your own best friend. Think about the great advice you give others and give it to yourself to!
Obstacle; Be kind and loving towards yourself.


One who always sees two sides of a situation. You are the one who sees both sides of a person. You’re not one who judges quickly. Maybe you are the one who intervenes in a heated discussion between friend, family or co-workers. You are the one who helps see the bigger picture and even be the one who calms down a argument. Whatever it is, its doing wonders for those around you. However, when it comes down to yourself, your having trouble seeing the bigger picture or are to heated up while conflict or whatever. The situation differs, but the red thread maintains the same. Try to see the bigger picture. even when it’s you who is involved with whatever situation.
Obstacle; Not seeing things clearly


The always changing Scorpio. You are very much aware of how the mind works. You have a natural interest in psychology and mysterious mysteries. Because you are so aware of how our mind works and therefore at some level, aware of the transformations and changes you go through in life.. You maybe lack the ability to truly embrace your emotions and feelings to. You probably naturally try to rationalize everything with your mind but Scorpio’s are deep feelers too. Try to become more aware of how you feel and acknowledge these emotions rather that rationalize them away. We all know these feelings will come up at one point, so try to deal with them and embrace these emotions.
Obstacle; Dealing with intense emotions and feelings.


You are amazing when it comes down to manifesting positive thing into your life. Also you seem to have a natural gift of always knowing the right advice to give others. Probably due to your strong believe in life and the purpose we all have. Yet it seems to be a challenge to apply these amazing insights and advice into your own life. This has most likely to do with fears and anxieties. Either caused by past experiences or just because of overactive ego when t comes down to yourself.
Obstacle; Facing fears and overcoming your ego thoughts


Planning, bringing structure, work with a schedule whatever involves planning. You are the right person to help out others with their maybe lack of planning and structure. You are by nature very responsible and always seem to know what to do and what to do next. You have planned it all. Yet during Chiron retrograde you most likely will experience the total opposite. You might find it hard to keep yourself focused and get yourself to work according to your own planning. You might experience trouble following your own advice and maybe even have a hard time being disciplined. Feeling these reversed energies make you feel insecure and maybe a bit worried, don’t be, just keep it in mind and don’t be so hard on yourself.
Obstacle; Feeling like you lose control over situations or self.


For someone who is always there for the most vulnerable in the world. A true humanitarian. One who always has a new idea about how to make the world a better place. Even though you can’t seem to safe the world alone.. you are definitely making your own life a better place. You are the one who truly always helps out. Yet it is for you during this retrograde hard to reach out to others and ask for help if you need it. You most likely feel like you are bothering them with your issues or whatever. Let me remind you that everything in life needs to be balanced and thus the balance between a equal give a take. If you give yourself it’s also asked to take but of course there needs to be a healthy balance and I know you can do that!
Obstacle; Asking for help and show vulnerability


Always so sweet, forgiving and loving Pisces. You are someone who just like Libra’s are very much seeing a situation or a person from two sides. You don’t judge very quickly and you always have a open mind about someone or something. However while Chiron retrogrades you might forgive to easily. You might forgive or let things be just to not fight or have issues anymore. Having boundaries is to make sure people don’t cross your limit’s. This retrograde you might have to set up your boundaries and maintain them. Don’t let people or situations overstep your limit’s. Guard yourself and how much you give to others as there is just a limited amount of energy that you can give to others without exhausting yourself.
Obstacle; Keeping your boundaries up.

Some last words

Like I said, the descriptions above are general and won’t resonate with everyone. So if you like it and would like to know more you should definitely look up your own natal chart and do some digging.

When Chiron goes direct again on the 15th of December I will post a new pick a card video on YouTube. The intention is to see what Chiron has brought to the surface and what has been healed or has been triggered to heal. Obviously healing takes time.

For questions or personal tarot card readings please check out my website.
Take care, be kind and love yourself!
Love, Tammy

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