Heart of sky
No. 24
Keywords: “‘Manifestations, Creation, Intentions, Releasing Burdens”
This is the card that speak of the energies of the sky. The universe and their way of making dreams, wishes and ideas becoming a reality.
It’s more so about your manifestations. Your intentions that you’ve set out into the world and the work that you’ve put into your manifestations in the here and now.
If you set your intentions straight and work on your intentions in the here and now. The universe will have your back by setting things into motion behind the scenes.
Quit pro quo, right?
When this card shows up in your reading you are asked to take your ideas, creative sparks to the next level.
All that’s been asked of you is to take the steps towards your new idea, your new spark. Do whatever that is in your power to make this a reality.
Set your intentions and ask the universe to help you out with the details and manifest exactly that what it is you need to move forward with your amazing ideas.
If you feel like there is too much weight on your shoulders. Like feeling you have to do everything alone and it becomes a little too much? Than take this message and release your burdens ( I know it’s easier said than done.. at least start with the first “burden” that pops up in your head, okay? ).
Ask the universe to fix any loose ends or solve some issues for you behind the scenes. Ask them for exactly that what it is that you need.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything you read will resonate.
So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Last but not least, never make drastic decisions based on a psychic reading. Use your own intuition and that beautiful brain of yours.
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