Card for today: The World 21 & Temperance 14

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: The World 21
Keywords: full circle, completion, internet, travel.
Clarified by: Temperance 14
Keywords: balance, healing, harmony, patience.
Element: All

Two Major Arcana cards for today. What tells me that whatever ending, Closure that is in the cards for you, will take some time to be fully physical and in real life. It’s showing what’s going on behind the scenes kind of vibe.

Both cards can mean various things so think for a second and think about some kind of ending that has taken place in your life. It’s probably a cycle that has changed. This ending was experienced as a big thing. A big ending, a big change in your life that changed you as a person too. Made you more wiser and you learned a lot. This doesn’t necessarily have to have a bad or sad ending however most of the time it is since we are just not that fond of creating a change.

These two cards are telling you that you have found peace with whatever it is that changed. Which again, wasn’t always easy. Now it is time to fully let go. You have found balance and harmony within yourself and therefore your situation.

When we find that balance. That’s when the magic begins.. When old doors are closed a new one is about to open.

We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love Tammy  

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