Card for today: The Tower 16.
Keywords: Breakthrough, Breakdown, Collapse & Unexpected events.
Clarified by: Temperance 14.
Keywords: Healing, Balance, Harmony & Peace
Elements: Water (Scorpio/Pluto) &Fire (Sagg/Jupiter)
*Santa Muerte deck & Wild Unknown
It looks like your life has been upside down a little or not.. It looks like there were some unexpected things going on in your life. A situation that you did not expect and shook up your foundation. This can be positive and a breakthrough but it can also be a breakdown moment.
Whatever went down recently you have dealt with it and worked through the obstacles or just let it all wash over you in a way. Now has is the time where you are more at peace or have found more balance within yourself and the situation that you were put in.
Time to heal if it was a breakdown and a time of peace and calmness after a unexpected change.
In relationships I see a shake up going on. Something unexpected happend in you relationship which made you feel like your world was upside down. However you made the most of the circumstances and tried to go with the flow and faced obstacles bravely. Now is the the where you two can heal and recover or when it was a happy shake yo you now can enjoy together from a time where things are calming down and enjoy the moment.
Something or better said someone is going to make their presence known and it will shake up your world. Maybe an ex or a new lover or someone you already have a crush on. Whoever it is you are not expecting this. However with temperance being their to back the tower up I see that things will be okay. Either your ex just doesn’t bother you anymore or perhaps you are willing to reconcile or plan for a nice date with the person you like.
In you job I see again a major unexpected event taking place. Perhaps your holiday is getting withdraw due to busy times or maybe something unexpected. Whatever it is you will handle it gracefully and just do whatever is needed and face the obstacles you meet with power and just let it be. Kind of like going with the flow.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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