Card for today: The Sun & Tower

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: The Sun
Keywords: Positive, Clarity, Joy, Happiness and Playfulness.
Clarified by: The Tower
Keywords: Chaos, Destruction, Breakthrough, Unexpected changes.
Element: Fire & Water

Let me start off with the tower for a second because I know a lot of people are not so fond of the Tower card. I however, I love it a lot. Both sides of the tower!
Yes, it can definitely suggest a collapse or a breakdown. Yet if we take a closer look at life we also notice that we have more breakthroughs than breakdowns, thank God!
So when this cards shows up clarifying the Sun.. there is nothing to be worried about.

Now back to the beautiful Sun card. The sun is one who can’t be interpreted as negative. The sun is always positive and happy. Since this is the card that represents my spirit guide I always need to say that’s it time to listen to your own spirit guides, you’ve probably got some messages a s synchronicity happen. So pay attention.

As a daily message these two majors are showing a major  positive event that is going to take place. Since their majors it takes time as all big and positive things do.. So be patient. These two are showing the energies that are going on right now so it’s highly possible that you don’t feel or see much of this new happy shizzle just yet..

So shortly said and please full it in how it resonates as you are the only person who knows if the message is for you and where in your life this message applies.. So think about it it for a second.. Where in your life have you recently worked towards something, like a relationship, job, yourself.friends or family.. Whatever area you are working on and towards there is a major positive change and breakthrough coming. So for now just enjoy the peace and quite because things will change in a very positive way for you soon!

As always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t. Remember that these are general readings and messages so it won’t resonate with all of you. So take the message that feels like it is meant for you and leave the rest.


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