Card for today: The Star 17
Keywords: Hope’s, Dreams, Future, Wishes, Healing & Recovery.
Clarified by: 9 of Cups
Keywords: Wish fulfillment, Abundance, Contentment & Manifestations.
Elements: Air (Aquarius/Uranus) & Water (Scorpio/Pluto)
*Santa Muerte deck & Wild Unknown
Double wish fulfillment is in the cards for today.
You might be thinking about your dreams, your wishes and your goals for your future. Perhaps you have to figure out what you want or maybe you already know what it is. Whatever is may be for you personally I see that you will spending time figuring out how to make your dreams come true. What steps can you take in order to set the first steps towards these new existing ideas.
Remember that this is a process and it might take some time. Just go with your visions, ask from help from your spirit guides, ancestors, God or angels. Whatever works for you and while doing so actively out in the physical work to make your dreams come true. Again.. It’s a process so you’ll probably just be thinking and dreaming about right now.
A wish coming true. Even if your in a relationship. Your partner just seems like a dream come true. Maybe you two have thought about future goal and plans. Maybe a family extension, new home, next level or whatever it is for you. You two are working together towards a bright and happy future and any wish or Manifestations you’ve done recently will come to fruition. However as with everything in life basically.. it takes time! Perhaps today you’ll get good news about these dreams you two have or are putting in the work and making next and tangible steps toward your dreams and wishes.
Have you recently manifested your dream partner? Or the love of your life, your soul mate or twin flame? Your wish is being granted. Maybe not today but energetically there are already big shifts in the air and your spirit guides are working their ass of behind the scenes to make this happen. Enjoy the silence before the storm kind of vibe that going on right now. Soon your life’s about to change big time.
In your career I can see that you are the knight of swords. You are rushing forward towards something that you really like. Somethings that’s emotionally on your level. Something you know that would make you very happy and you are not waiting anymore. You are aiming for your goal and headed towards your price. So basically you are rushing towards a great new opportunity or job offer.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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