Card for today: The Moon & The Queen of Cups

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: The Moon
Keywords: Dreams, Intuition, Hidden /Secret, Insecurities
Clarified by: Queen of Cups
Keywords: Queen of Emotions, Intuition, Dreams and Compassion.
Element: Water
Overall (weekly) Energy: Judgement & The Lovers

The moon

Is all about our intuition, our insecurities and out dreams.
We just had a new moon last Sunday. A new moon is the perfect opportunity to manifest your desires and set future goals.  So what did you manifest? I bet, for most of you, it had to so with some kind of clarity within some kind of situation that is obviously not clear to you.

Intuitively you might get some answers today. Either through your intuition or maybe you get a message about whatever it is in your dreams (and day dreams)

“I knew it!”

Is what I keep getting with these two cards.

So I believe that these two are both giving clarity within a situation or whatever. This was probably something that you already had a very strong sense about. Maybe you had a feeling something is about to happen? Or maybe you feel a strong pull towards something or someone but it’s just weird As F* know what I mean right?

Those feelings or intuitive vibes that are seeming to far fetched or crazy to happen in real life (the good kind of crazy) However today you just might find out it wasn’t that weird and that your intuition and your dreams were already telling you what was coming.

I mean, whatever it is for you.. You will experience a “I Knew it” moment!


Is judgment and the lovers so again some kind of wake up call in regards to something close to your heart.

Which is perfectly aligned with my “I knew it” feeling – message.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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