Card for today: The Magician 1
Keywords: Manifestations, Abilities, Magic, Chemistry
Clarified by: The High Priest 5
Keywords: Trust, Faith, Religion, Commitment
Element:l Air (Gemini) & Earth (Virgo & Taurus)
Overall (weekly) Energy: The Sun & The Star
*Everyday Witches Tarot & Prisma Visons Tarot
With this strong duo I can see that you are getting the confidence, experience and knowledge about something that you are passionate about. Since it’s about yourself I also see in the cards that you might struggles a bit with maybe underlying fears or insecurities. Now is the time that you will over come these personal obstacles and start to believe in yourself. You already have all the tools you need so why worry, right? Have a little faith!
A powerful combination. The Hierophant is all about commitment and marriage. The Magician is all about that magic, the butterflies and the sparks that are happening between the two of you and within you. So basically it says : “love at first sight”
I’m not necessarily see this happening today but more that there probably already is someone that you feel extremely drawn to.
If you don’t have found Mr or Mrs right than these two are asking you to have faith and know that your manifestations are going to pay off.
In your career I can see that you have all the resources, abilities and knowledge to proceed with a project. Either you are thinking about going after a new contract, new client, perhaps even starting your own business.. whatever it is.. You know you got this and you have faith and trust in yourself and the divine to make this work.
Overall WEEKLY Vibes
The Sun and the 4 of Wands speak about some kind of commitment. A happy, positive and light commitment kind of thing. This can be all kinds of commitment. Like committing to yourself to have more fun this week or enjoy time with your family. Or commitment on a whole deeper level like relationships, engagement, marriage or within your job or signing contracts for your kids school or whatever you have.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy
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