Card for today: Magician I
Keywords: Abilities, Chemistry, Manifestations & Alchemy
Clarified by: 8 of Cups
Keywords: Letting go, Walking away, Endings & Change
Elements: Air (Aquarius /Uranus) & Water (Scorpio /Pluto)
*Crystal Unicorn & Shadowscapes
You probably are thinking about leaving something behind and start fresh. Either it be big as ending a relationship, career or just leaving people or situations behind that are just not helping you or simply not aligned with that you need anymore. Depending on how small or big your situation is you are either consciously aware of what it is that you need to let go and you know you have all the abilities, tools and courage to do so. Today will be a day where you are most likely thinking about taking this step rather than to actually take it which will not too far away.
Have you maybe felt a lot of chemistry between you and another person? However something was just not adding up. Something was either off or just not what you thought it would be. That’s okay. Probably you are still in this situation-ship and you are thinking about letting go of this connection. The advice is to keep it real and honest rather than to ghost or block the other or vice versa.
I know the magician is mostly a good card but I feel that with the 8 of cups there might be trouble in paradise. I feel a relationship that’s not doing so well and is facing some hard times and serious obstacles. You might find yourself thinking about turning your back on the whole situation because simply you just can’t handle it right now. That’s okay, those days are okay to have too. Just think about it let it all sink in before making decisions that you might regret, okay?
I see you thinking about or working towards walking away from your current job, position or project. Maybe it’s not working out or there are some issues. Perhaps you just don’t feel like you fit in. You have the ability to choose the right path because you already know deep down what it is that you would like to do.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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