Card for today: The Devil 15
Keywords: Ego, Toxicity, Addictions, Obsession & Sex
Clarified by: The High Priestess 2
Keywords: Secrets, Spiritual Wisdom & Intuition
Zodiac: Capricorn & Pisces
* Everyday Witches Tarot & Santa Muerte Tarot
I see that you are very much being torn between your ego mind and your intuition. There is a situation going on in your life that seems not clear. Things are in the dark and all you can do basically is listen to your intuition which is so easily said but not that easy to do. I mean, when thing are not clear our mind, our ego, that little voice in our head will take over and feed you all these what if questions. You know those self limiting believes and self destructive thoughts we tend to have when things are out of our control?
If this is you than this combination is telling you to focus on your ego thoughts today and keep things real with yourself. Reflect on these thoughts.. Are they real or based on fear, worry or are they coming from a low self esteem? The cards advice you to listen to your intuition an only to your intuition which can be hard to separate both especially when your in a mentally challenging place. Again, pick apart your thoughts today and keep it real and honest. Stop worrying about what ifs and try to find time to meditate and tune in to your intuition.
Are you texting and seeing someone you just intuitively already know this is not the best idea? That these cards can seem as a warning because they are helping you remind to always listen to your intuition. No matter how much fun it is right now your intuition is guiding you into another direction.
Also I see that you might intuitively already know who your forever partner is, your Soulmate, your twin flame. However your ego is a little bit in the way of manifesting this person because the logical mind keeps telling you otherwise. It’s time to focus on your intuition and your intuition only. Act as if and you will see your manifestation become reality over time.
In your relationship I see that you are either stuck a little bit within your relationship and therefore also a little stuck with yourself. It looks like you are intuitively guided to take some sort of action within your connection however there is just a part of you that is keeping a blind eye to the situation. A battle between mind and heart is always the hardest and in these times is also very hard to listen to your intuition. Ask help if you need it and if you really need to find the answers yourself try to tune into your intuition by meditating. Remember mediation can be done is many ways.. Just saying. The answers will come when you quiet the mind.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
The Seer is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give some extra guidance and advice.
-Mystical shaman oracle
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