Card for today: The Devil 15
Keywords: Obsession, Addictions, Toxicity, Sex
Clarified by: King of Pentacles
Keywords: King of Hard work, Abundance & Stability
Element: Earth
Overall (weekly) Energy: 8 of Wands & The Moon
*overall energy is the bottom of the deck card. Which is the overall theme or vibe throughout this week.
Work hard, play hard.
Are you maybe a little bit too mixed up in your work? Like you feel there are to many responsibilities or maybe you are just working very hard?
Too much work, no playtime might make you a little stressed and changes are you will take it out to the people around you. Kind of a little snappy and stubborn.
Working on..
For most people I think you are realizing that you have been working to hard. There is nothing wrong with working hard, at all. It’s just that you need to take break and enjoy the life you work so hard for. It’s all about a healthy balance.
I think you are releasing some kind of negative behavior or negative routine that you have created for yourself and you are breaking out of that cycle. You are most likely becoming more stable and grounded and are becoming aware of the things or people you need to cut out of your life. Or at least find a new and healthy relationship with them and / or yourself.
Be present and enjoy.
It really feels like a old cycle that is slowly coming to an end. A calmer state of mind and the realization that it’s okay to e joy life. Put your phone away and fully be present in the here and now and be able to really see and appreciate everything you’ve worked you ass off.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy
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