The Chariot - Tammy Bo Tarot

Card for today: The Chariot & 4 of Wands

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: The Chariot 7
Keywords: Forward Movement, Travel, Progressing
Clarified by: 4 of Wands
Keywords: Celebration, Commitment, Soul reunion
Element: Water & Fire

Let’s start

With one vibe I’ve picked up on while seeing these beautiful two cards. So firstly I see that you might travel to someone. Either a birthday or a wedding. Which obviously comes with social distancing. So whatever it may be that you travel to it has a party vibe. Have fun!

Second vibe

I feel yet again love. Which is funny since I’m single AF and nothing happening any time soon ?
Anyway I’m happy that lots of you guys are finally finding the love of your life or taking your relationship to the next level!
These two cards are showing progress within a romantic connection. So either you will start dating the one and only, moving in together or taking a next step towards engagement or marriage. It could even be traveling around the world but with everything going on I’m not really seeing that happening any time soon.

Overall WEEKLY Vibes

Is the high priest and the 8 of Wands. These two speak to me about incoming communication. Something quick most like not really expected. The High priest is all about faith, tradition and religion. I feel with these two that maybe you would like to have some kind of communication happening between you and someone else however nothing happening yet. The two are asking you to trust blindly and have faith that behind the scenes things are shifting in a positive way. So be patient and trust! Which aligns perfectly with what I feel. Communication and faith that what’s meant to be will be.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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