Queen of Cups - Tammy Bo Tarot

Card for today: Queen of Cups & Queen of Cups

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: Queen Of Cups (2X!)
Keywords: Compassion, Kindness, Intuitive & Introvert
Clarified by: Queen of Cups
Keywords: Compassion, Kindness, Intuitive & Introvert
Clarified by: Justice 11.
Keywords: Balance, Justice, Law, Truth & Karma
Elements: Water (Pisces/Neptune) & Air (Libra/Venus)
*Wild Unknown Tarot & Prisma Visions Tarot

Nope, nothing wrong with your eyes. I pulled the Queen twice so pulled another clarifying card to, you know.. clarify! I must admit it makes a lot of sense. We just had a full moon in Pisces. The Queen of Cups is the Queen that symbolizes and connects with most of the water signs. A full moon is all about intuition and dreams and so is the queen of cups.


Today there might be a lot going on within your feelings and emotions. Maybe you feel more emotional than usual or feel like are in a emotional roller coaster due to circumstances that are going in your life right now. Perhaps maybe even some suppressed feelings that are bubbling up. These feelings are brought back up because it’s time to heal any sadness, hurt or pain that is still lingering.

It’s time to see your situation and your emotions in a different light. With more awareness, more wisdom and insight so now you can feel these feelings but heal them because you have already healed a lot so far.

Also I like to add that for those who are very intuitive and sensitive. So for my healers, light workers and sensitives.. Please make sure you leave feelings that belong to others with well.. The others. Clean your energy and stay grounded as much as possible.

It’s also time to think about your own actions. Your own good deeds, your own flaws and the moments where you have maybe been dishonest. I mean all have had our moments where we wish we could just disappear because we fucked up. It happens.. To all of us and that’s okay. Today might be a day where you are looking back and reflecting on your previous mistakes, flaws or maybe just your shitty behavior (we all have shitty behavior don’t sweat about it) anyway this probably sucks and feels just like that.. Shitty.. Just go with your thoughts and emotions. Just don’t hang in there for to long, okay? Its healthy to reflect and learn but don’t get to caught up in the past.. It’s there for a reason.


In love I see that there is a perhaps a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) or not doesn’t really matter but what I see is a caring and loving person who is in some way tied to you on a karmic level. When I say karmic I mean everything karmic so karma.. Which can be a good and happy connection but also a toxic one. It all depends on the lesson that this karmic need to learn and the lesson they need to teach you. Thought I mentioned it, the karma thing, since Karma is something that has been out of context for a while now!

Whoever this person is for you they will enter your life soon simply because you need love and tenderness and you have so much love to give and wisdom to share and so do they. How it ends only you will know but whoever it is it is most likely someone from a past life and you will instantly click and there will be a spark. Can be both, friends or lovers.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy  

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