Knight of Swords - TAMMY BO TAROT

Card for today: Knight of Swords

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Keywords: Conflict, Communication, fast thinking
Clarified by:  8 of Wands
Keywords: Communication, travel, incoming messages
Element: Air & Fire

Oh boy! What a duo. Yet it can go both ways so here we go:
✨ These two can definitely indicate some kind of argument or conflict that might cross your path today. Most likely this conflict or argument will be either by phone, mail or message or whatever you have. So be aware of a potential argument. However this doesn’t have to be someone else fu king up your day.. It can also be you who is acting out. Yet most likely it’s going to be one big miscommunication.
✨ The other story I feel I need to share is that there is going to be communication. Probably some communication that’s coming in very fast and probably unexpected even though you might expect some sort of Intel it’s coming way quicker than you initially thought it would.
✨ One last little note.. Since there’s twice travel.. It might even be that this argument is going to take place while traveling. So be nice, breath in breath out or just let it be.. It’s not going to be worth your time ?
As always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t.
✌? Tammy Bo

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