Card for today: Knight of Swords
Keywords: blunt & fast incoming communication, argument and defensive
Clarified by: Death
Keywords: Transformation, Ending, changes
Element: Air & Water
The knight of swords is the knight that doesn’t bow or holds back. He is the ‘dude’ that goes after what he wants. He doesn’t really take others into consideration as long as he gets there. So a little head’s up, if this is for you.. Think about others too and don’t be a dick..and vise versa.
With death clarifying the knight I get the impression that there is maybe some kind of ending that has taken place. So either some part of you life has come to an end, a relationship or whatever. Most likely this is about a personal transformation, a personal change. Kind of like becoming a complete new and improved you. You feel like you now know exactly what to do next with your life and your thoughts / ideas you have for yourself. Now you are ready to move fast and goal oriented towards your goal.
For a select few of you this could definitely be about some kind of argument that’s been going on within one of your connections. Today you just don’t take any bullshit and are ready to speak up your mind and thoughts or maybe even ending this connection if you feel you have to. Remember to be kind and remember this can be also vice versa.. Some people are just in our lives to teach so releasing someone or something doesn’t have to be a bad thing as long as you try to take your feelings with you and not just end things based on your mental state.
As always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t. Remember that these are general readings and messages so it won’t resonate with all of you. So take the message that feels like it is meant for you and leave the rest!
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