Card for today: Knight of Swords
Keywords: Direct & Fast Communication, Arguments, No filter.
Clarified by: Ace of Cups
Keywords: Opportunity for love, relationships & kindness.
Elements: Air (Aquarius/Uranus) & Water (all water signs)
*Santa Muerte deck & Wild Unknown
Perhaps you have been a little emotional these last few days and due to your emotions being all over the place you might have acted out or acted shitty towards someone you love and hold very dear. The knights is the knight of argument and fast thinking and therefore I get the impression you might have said things that you didn’t mean. That okay. It happens. Just try to work on it and make sure it won’t happen again soon, or better, not at all..
Your probably thinking about reaching out and fix what’s been broken, said or left unsaid. Make a man’s and I’m sure that things will be okay of you try to explain where you were coming from. Please take it how it resonates and flip the roles if it’s a vice versa situation.It can also just mean that you are now ready to open yourself up a little more to the idea of love or romance in general.
In a relationship and haven’t read the part above, the self m I think its kind of the same vibe I get for people in a relationship. Maybe there were things said and some that you didn’t appreciate or vice versa. Expect an apology and an explanation as to why this has happened. Things we be okay. At least that’s what I pick up on.
If your single than this duo might mean something completely different than the above versions of the knight of swords. The knight tells me that there is someone rushing in and tell you how much they like you. Obviously a more logical approach can be excepted since we deal with the swords and not the knight of cups. However emotions will be expressed with the Ace of cups, just in a more down to earth and logical way.
In your career I can see that you are the knight of swords. You are rushing forward towards something that you really like. Somethings that’s emotionally on your level. Something you know that would make you very happy and you are not waiting anymore. You are aiming for your goal and headed towards your price. So basically you are rushing towards a great new opportunity or job offer.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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