Card for today: Justice 11
Keywords: Law enforcement, Karma, Truth, Balance & Justice.
Clarified by: Waning Moon
Key phrase: The energy is gaining momentum
Zodiac: Libra
Everyday Witches Tarot & Moonology Oracle deck
Whatever feels that is unfair or our of balance will become finally reach its end. Today is a day where you will see and notice a change, a shift within this situation.
Things will start to fall into place. Truths will be told and the balance will be restored soon. Today you will notice a difference or perhaps you get some goods news about a certain situation that felt previously stuck and just not okay.
It’s time release this situation because soon everything will be okay and start to move forward again.
Be understanding and forgiving to others that were involved in this situation but above all forgive yourself for everything that went down. It went down, it all happened because there were lessons that needed to be learned.
So say sorry to yourself and others if necessary and above all enjoy this moment because you feel like you can ‘breath’ again, if that makes sense.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general daily reading not everything will resonate! So as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings that I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
The Sorcerer is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give you some extra guidance and advice.
-Mystical shaman oracle
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